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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herewith the king of England was so mooued, that although the said Leolin made sute for peace, and offred no small sum of monie to haue the daugh|ter of the earle of Leicester his fianced wife deliue|red to him, yet would not the king by any meanes consent to that marriage, nor receiue any monie of him, except he would restore vnto the right owners such lands as he had inuaded and got into his posses|sion, and further repaire such castels as he had de|stroied. Herevpon grew no small grudge betwixt the Welshmen and Englishmen, so that to represse the inuasion of the enimies in the parts towards Bristow, Mountgomerie and Chester, the king sent three hundred men in armes on horssebacke. In the quindene of Easter, the king departing from West|minster, hasted towards Wales with a mightie power, Matth. West. The excheker and the king [...] bench remo|ued to Shre|wesburie. and caused the courts of the excheker and of his bench to remooue vnto Shrewesburie, that they might be néere vnto him, making forward with all conuenient speed to come to the aid and succour of his liege people.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hervpon entring into Wales he tooke the castell of Rutland,The castell [...] Rutland ta|ken. and sent into Westwales a valiant cap|teine named Paine de Camure [...]js, who with fire and sword wasted that countrie, Anno Reg. 5. 1277 so that the people of|fering themselues to the kings peace, deliuered vnto the said Paine the castell of Stridewie with the countrie adioining.The castell of Stridewie. Leolin sueth for peace. Then Leolin the prince of Wales, perceiuing that he was not able to resist the kings power, and knowing that if he did attempt the conflict against him the danger would redound to himself & his traine, did as th'old verse counselleth,

Peruigili cura semper meditare futura,
and therefore made suit for peace, in so much that fi|nallie it was agreed, N. Triuet. Cõmissioners appointed. that commissioners for both parts should talke concerning certeine articles, and whatsoeuer they concluded, aswell the king as the said Leolin should hold the same for firme and sta|ble. The king appointed one of his commissioners, to wit, the lord Robert de Tiptost, to take an oth for him, & authorised the said Robert, Anthonie Beke, and frier William de Southampton, prior prouin|ciall of the friers preachers, commissioners, nomina|ted on his behalfe, to receiue the like oth of the said Leolin. Which Leolin appointed commissioners for his part, Tuder ap Edeuenet, and Grono ap Helin, the which commissioners with good deliberation con|cluded vpon certeine points and articles, of which the principall were as followeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 First, that the said Leolin should set at libertie all prisoners which he held in captiuitie for the king of Englands cause, freelie and without all challenge.

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