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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also, vpon the two and twentith of Nouember, were brought vnto Westminster a hundred and two Iews from Lincolne,Iewes accu|sed & executed for crucifieng a child at Lincolne na|med Hugh. that were accused for the cru|cifieng of a child in the last summer, in despight of Christes religion. They were vpon their examinati|on sent to the towre. The child which they had so cru|cified was named Hugh, about an eight yeares of age. They kept him ten daies after they got him in|to their hands, sending in the meane time vnto di|uerse other places of the realme, for other of their na|tion to be present at the crucifieng of him. The mur|ther came out, by the diligent search made by the mother of the child, who found his bodie in a well, on the backe side of the Iews house, where he was cruci|fied: for she had learned, that hir sonne was lastlie seene plaieng with certeine Iews children of like age to him, before the dore of the same Iew. The Iew that was owner of the house, was apprehended, and being brought before sir Iohn de Lerinton, vpon pro|mise of pardon, confessed the whole matter. For they vsed yearelie (if they could come by their preie) to crucifie one christian child or other. The king vpon knowledge had hereof, would not pardon this Iew that had so confessed the matter, but caused him to be executed at Lincolne, who comming to the place where he should die, opened more matter concerning such as were of counsell and present at the crucifi|eng of the poore innocent.Eighteene Iews hanged Wherevpon at length also eightéene of them that were so brought to London, were conuinced, adiudged and hanged, the other re|mained long in prison.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the feast of saint Hilarie was come, the cleargie met againe at London, and fell to intreat of their former businesse, at what time one maister Leonard aliàs Reignold that was chosen prolocutor for all the prelats,The prolocu|tors answer to the popes legat. amongst other answers made to the legat Ruscand, when the same Ruscand alledged that all churches were the popes; Truth it is said Leonard, to defend, and not to vse and appropriate them to serue his owne turne; as we saie, that all is the princes, meaning that all is his to defend, and not to spoile: and such was the intent of the founders. Ruscand sore offended herewith, said, he would that euerie man should speake afterwards for himselfe, that as well the pope as the king might vnderstand what euerie man said in their businesse and matters. The prelats were striken in a dumpe herewith, for they perceiued how the matter went:The prelats appeale. they appealed yet against the demands that were made by Rus|cand, who would not change a word of that he had written, in which was conteined, that the prelats had acknowledged themselues to haue borrowed of the merchant strangers, no small summes of monie, and the same to be conuerted to the vse of their churches, which was most vntrue as all men well vnderstood: wherevpon the prelats affirmed, and not without rea|sonable cause,Marke the cause of mar|tyrdome. that there was a greater occasion in this cause of martyrdome, than in that of Thomas sometime archbishop of Canturburie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ruscand at length, perceiuing their manner, be|came somewhat more mild, and promised that he would talke with the pope of this matter.The deane of saint Paules sent to Rome on the behalfe of the prelats. But first there was sent to Rome the deane of Pauls in Lon|don, and certeine others, as attornies or agents for the whole cleargie of England. These sped so in their suit, that the pope tooke order that if the prelats paid the monie by force of the contriued writings, where|by they stood bound for them, their houses, and chur|ches; then, to ease their burthen, they might reteine in their hands such parcell of tenths as they ought to paie to the king, for furnishing of his wars against the Saracens, amounting to the summe which they should be constreined to paie for the bonds made to the merchants, by the bishop of Hereford (as before is recited.)

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