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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this season also there depended a controuersie betwixt the archbishop of Canturburie with the bi|shop of London and his canons of Paules,Contro [...]ersie betwixt pre|lats. so that the said bishop of London & the deane of Paules, and other of the [...] were excommunicated. But the bishop perceiuing which way the world went, recon|ciled himselfe: as for the deane, he stood long in the matter, & at length went himselfe to the pope to vtter his gréefe. This controuersie hanged long betwixt them, and was handled in such wise, that [...]aie-men laughed at their dooings, for now and then whom the pope commanded to be absolued, their aduersaries by colour of the popes authoritie would command to be excommunicated.The earle of Leicester pro|spereth in Gascoigne. The first day of Iulie the earle of Leicester in Gascoigne ouercame manie of the kings enimies, and tooke from them a fortresse called Chattellon.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On S. Dunstans day there was a maruellous sore tempest of weather,A sore tem|pest of thun|der & light|ning. the aire being darkened on euerie side from the foure corners thereof, and with|all chanced such a thunder as few the like had béene heard of. First it began as it had béene a great way off, but after it burst out with such terrible crackes as was woonderfull. But one amongst the rest excée|ded, and withall such lightening flashed foorth, as put men in great feare and terror. The chimnie of the chamber, wherein the quéene and hir children then were, was beaten downe to dust, and the whole buil|ding sore shaken. This was at Windsore,Windsore. where in the parke, okes were rent in sunder, and turned vp by the roots, and much hurt doone; as milles with the millers in them, shéepfolds with their shepheards, and plowmen, and such as were going by the way were destroied and beaten downe. About the same time the sea on the coasts of England arose with higher tides than the naturall course gaue,High tides. by the space of six féet.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About Michaelmasse quéene Dowager of Scot|land, that was daughter to Monsieur de Cousie a Frenchman, came through England to returne in|to France where she was borne, and was of the king honorablie receiued and welcomed. This yeare the nunrie of Marran not far from Lin was founded by the ladie Isabell countesse of Arundell.The nunrie of Mar [...]an founded. ¶ Also this yeare the lord William de Cantlow departed this life, in whose heritage his son also named Willi|am succeeded. ¶ Moreouer, Iohn Cobham & Geffrey Spenser (that was a man of great fame, and one of the kings councell) departed this life, Cobham before Easter, and Spenser shortlie after the same feast. Also in the octaues of Pentecost,Paule Peiuer. Paule Peiuer or Peure departed this life, he was one of the kings cheefe councellors, and lord steward of his house. This man at the first was not borne to anie great possessions, but by purchase atteined to great reue|nues. The ladie Ione his wife compounded with the king for the marriage of hir son named Paule, after his father, but the lord Iohn Grai [...] paied the monie, being fiue hundred marks, and so discharging hir of that debt, maried hir sonne to one of his daugh|ters at his manor of Eiton, and afterwards at Lon|don married the mother of his sonne in law,The lord W [...]l [...]. Graie marrieth the wife of Paule Pe [...]uer. where|with the king was sore displeased, for he had giuen the marriage of hir vnto a stranger, one Stephan de Salines, so that the lord Graie was glad to giue to the king the summe of fiftie marks, by way of a fine to haue his good will.

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