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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now sith the earles of Chester (I meane those of the line of Hugh Lupus) tooke end in this Iohn Scot; I haue thought it not impertinent for the ho|nor of so noble a linage, to set downe the descent of the same earles, beginning at the foresaid Hugh the first that gouerned after the conquest, as I haue seen the same collected out of ancient records, according to their true succession in seauen descents one after another, as here followeth.

8.1. The true genealogie of the famous and most honourable earles of Chester.

The true genealogie of the famous and most honourable earles of Chester.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HUgh Lou or Lupus, first earle of Chester after the conquest, ne|phue to William Conquerour by his sister Margaret, wife to Richard Uicount of Auranches, married a noble ladie named Armetruda, by whom he had issue Richard that succeeded him in the earledome, Robert abbat of saint Ed|mundsburie, and Otuell. He departed this life about the yeere of our Lord 1102, when he had beene earle about 40 yeeres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Richard Lupus eldest son to Hugh Lupus, and second earle of Chester, mar|ried Maud the daughter of Stephan erle of Blois, Charters and Champaigne, and sister to K. Stephan. This Richard with his brother Otuell was drowned in the seas, in the yeere of our Lord 1120, as be|fore hath beene shewed, after he had beene earle about ninteene yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Ranulfe or Randulfe the first of that name called Bohun, and otherwise Mest|heins, the sonne of Iohn de Bohun, and of Margaret, sister to Hugh Lupus, succee|ded Richard, as cousin and heire to him in the earldome of Chester, and was the third earle in number after the conquest. He married Maud the daughter of Auberie de Uere earle of Gisney and Oxenford, by whome he had issue Ranulfe surnamed Geruous the fourth earle of Chester. He died about the yere of our Lord 1130, after he had continued earle eight yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 Ranulfe or Randulfe Bohun, the se|cond of that name, and fourth erle in num|ber after the conquest, surnamed Geruous, succeeded his father, and married Alice, daughter to Robert erle of Glocester, base sonne to king Henrie the first by whome he had issue Hugh Keuelocke, the fift earle of Chester. He deceassed about the yeare of our Lord 1153, when he had beƩne earle 29 yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Hugh Bohun otherwise Keuelocke, the sonne of the said Ranulfe, was the first earle of Chester after the conquest, and se|cond of that name. He married Beatrice, daughter to Richard Lucie lord cheefe ius|tice of England, by whom he had issue Ra|nulfe the third of that name, and foure daughters, Mawd married to Dauid that was earle of Angus and Huntington and lord of Galloway, Mabell maried to Wil|liam Dalbegnie earle of Arundell, Agnes maried to William Ferrers earle of Der|bie, and Hauisa ioined in marriage with Robert Quincie, a baron of great honour. This Hugh died about the yeare 1181, when he had beene earle eight and twentie yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 Ranulfe Bohun the third of that name, otherwise called Blundeuille, the sonne of Hugh Keuelocke, was the sixt earle of Chester after the conquest. He was also earle of Lincolne, as next cousine and heire to William Romare earle of Lin|colne. He had three wiues (as before yee haue heard) but yet died without issue, a|bout the yeare of our Lord 1232, after he had beene earle 51 yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 Iohn Scot, the sonne of Dauid earle of Angus & Huntington, was in the right of his mother the seuenth earle of Chester after the conquest. He died without issue (as before yee haue heard) by reason where|of, the erldome came into the kings hands in the yeare 1237. Thus much may suffice (with that which is said before) touching the descent of the earles of Chester. And now to proceed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare that Iohn Scot died,Cardinall Otho or O|thobon. cardinall Otho (by some writers named Othobon) about the feast of S. Peter and Paule came into England from pope Gregorie. He was receiued with all ho|nour and solemne reuerence as was decent, yea and more than was decent, the king meeting him at the sea side. His comming was not signified afore to the nobles of the realme, which caused them to mislike the matter, and to grudge against the king, seeing that he did all things contrarie to order, breaking law, faith, and promise in all things.The lords grudge at the king for recei|uing the car|dinall without their know|ledge. He hath coupled himselfe (said they) in mariage with a stranger, with|out consent of his freends and naturall subiects, and now he bringeth in a legat secretlie, who will take vpon him to make an alteration in the whole state of the realme.

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