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8.1. The confirmation of the charters, vnder the kings acknowledgement and subscription of witnesses.

The confirmation of the charters, vnder the kings acknowledgement and subscription of witnesses.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _NVnc autem concessimus, & hac praesen|ti charta confirmauimus omnibus prae|dictis de regno nostro, omnes libertates & liberas consuetudines content as in chartis nostris, quas eis fidelibus nostris fieri fecimus cùm in minori essemus aetate, scili|cet in Magna charta nostra, quàm in charta de Fo|resta. Et volumus pro nobis, & haeredibus nostris, quòd praefati fideles nostri, & successores, & haere|des eorum habeant, & teneant in perpetuum om|nes libertates & liberas consuetudines praedictas, non obstante quòd praedictae chartae confectae fue|rint cùm minoris essemus aetatis, vt praedictum est, hijs testibus, Edmundo Cant archiepiscopo, & om|nibus alijs in Magna charta nominatis. Dat. per manum venerabilis patris Cicestriensis episcopi, cancellarij nostri 28 die Ianuarij, Anno Regni nostri 21.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Beside the confirmation of these charters, Matth. Paris. the king further to win the fauour of his people, was conten|ted to remooue and sequester from him diuerse of his councellours that were thought not to be well min|ded towards the aduancement of the common|wealth, and in their places to admit the earle of Wa|ren, William de Ferrers, and Iohn Fitz Geffrey, who were sworne to giue to the king faithfull coun|sell, and in no wise to go out of the right waie for a|ny respect that might otherwise mooue them. ¶About the first daie of March, there began sore raine and tempestuous weather, whereof insued great flouds, as before in the beginning of the yeare passed, had chanced, though not dooing so much hurt as before.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Scot also earle of Chester and Huntington died at Deren hall the seuenth daie of Iune,Iohn Scot earle of Che|ster departed this life. without issue, and was buried at Chester. He was poisoned by the diuelish practise of his wife daughter to Leolin prince of Wales (as Matt. Paris saith. Ran. Higd. His sisters.) He had foure sisters, of whom the first named Margaret was mar|ried to Allen of Gallowaie, by whom she had issue a daughter named Deuorgoill; which Deuorgoill was married to Iohn Balioll, by whom she had is|sue Iohn Balioll that was afterward king of Scotland. The second named Isabell, was married to Robert le Bruis. The third named Mawd, died without issue. And the fourth called Alda, was marri|ed to Henrie Hastings. But bicause the land pertei|ning to the earledome of Chester, should not go a|mongst rocks and distaues, hauing such roiall prero|gatiues EEBO page image 221 belonging thereto, the king seized them into his owne hands, and in recompense assigned other lands to the forsaid sisters, as it had beene by way of exchange.

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