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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ye shall vnderstand, the French king being re|quested by Pandulph the popes legat, to take the warre in hand against king Iohn, was easilie per|suaded thereto of an inward hatred that he bare vn|to our king,The French king prepa|red to inuade England. and therevpon with all diligence made his prouision of men, ships, munition and vittell, in purpose to passe ouer into England: and now was his nauie readie rigged at the mouth of Saine, and he in greatest forwardnesse, to take his iournie. When Pandulph vpon good considerations thought first to go eftsoones, or at the least wise to send into England, before the French armie should land there, and to assaie once againe, if he might induce the king to shew himselfe reformable vnto the popes pleasure: king Iohn hauing knowledge of the French kings purpose and ordinance, assembled his people, and lodged with them alongst by the coast to|wards France, that he might resist his enimies, and kéepe them off from landing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here writers declare, that he had got togither such an armie of men out of all the parts of his realme, Anno Reg. 15. Matth. Paris. The great ar|mie which k. Iohn assem|bled togither. both of lords, knights, gentlemen, yeomen, & other of the commons, that notwithstanding all the proui|sion of vittels that might possible be recouered, there could not be found sufficient store to susteine the huge multitude of them that were gathered alongst the coast, namelie at Douer, Feuersham, Gipse|wich, and other places. Wherevpon the capteins dis|charged and sent home a great number of the com|mons, reteining onelie the men of armes, yeomen, and fréeholders, with the crossebowes and archers. There came likewise to the kings aid at the same time, the bishop of Norwich out of Ireland,The bishop of Norwich. bring|ing with him fiue hundred men of armes, & a great sort of other horssemen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 To conclude, there was estéemed of able men as|sembled togither in the armie on Barhamdowne, what of chosen men of armes, and valiant yeomen, and other armed men, the number of sixtie thousand: so that if they had béene all of one mind, and well bent towards the seruice of their king and defense of their countrie, there had not béene a prince in christendome, but that they might haue beene able to haue defended the realme of England against him. He had also prouided a nauie of ships farre stronger than the French kings, readie to fight with them by sea, if the case had so required.

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