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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now among other old words remaining in their toong, this word Mar was one, which in Hebrue signi|fieth Dominus, (that is to saie, lord) but pronounced now somewhat corruptlie Maire. So as it is to be supposed, hereof it came to passe that the head officer and lieutenant to the prince, as well in London as in other cities and townes of the realme, are called by that name of maior, though in the cities of London and Yorke, for an augmentation of honour by an an|cient custome (through ignorance what the title of EEBO page image 173 maire d [...]oth signifie) they haue an addition, and are intituled by the name of lord maire, where Maire simplie pronounced of it selfe, signifieth no lesse than lord, without any such addition. Thus much for the name of Maire. And now to procéed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 King Iohn holding his Christmasse this yeare at Bristow, set foorth a commandement, whereby he re|streined the taking of wild foule. Matth. Paris. About the same time, Henrie duke of Suaben came into England from the emperour Otho, and receiuing no small portion of monie of the king, departed backe into his owne countrie againe. In the vigill of the Epi|phanie also, the kings second sonne was borne, and named Richard after his vncles name.The esche|quer remoued. And the court of the eschequer was remoued from West|minster vnto Northampton. Moreouer in the same yeare, Walter Gray was made lord chancellour, who in all things studied to satisfie the kings will and purpose, for the which he incurred great indignation of the cleargie, and other that fauoured not the pro|ceedings of the king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶It was suerlie a rufull thing to consider the estate of this realme at that present, when as the king nei|ther trusted his péeres, neither the nobilitie fauou|red the king; no, there were verie few that trusted one another, but ech one hid & hourded vp his wealth, looking dailie when another should come and enter vpon the spoile. The communaltie also grew into fa|ctions, some fauouring, & some cursing the king, as they bare affection. The cleargie was likewise at dis|sention, so that nothing preuailed but malice and spite, which brought foorth and spred abroad the fruits of disobedience to all good lawes and orders, greatlie to the disquieting of the whole state So that herein we haue a perfect view of the perplexed state of prin|ces, chéeflie when they are ouerswaied with forren & prophane power, and not able to assure themselues of their subiects allegiance and loialtie. Whereto this clause alludeth,

M. Pal. in suo Le [...].—cruciat comes improbus ipsos
Assiduimetus atque timor, suspectáque ijsdem
Omnia sunt: hinc insidias, hinc dira venena
Concipiunt, soli nec possunt ire nec audent,
Nec sine fas illis praegustatore comesse.

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