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Compare 1577 edition: 1 At his comming backe (as some write) he charged certeine of the Nobilitie with treason, bicause they did not follow him: wherevpon shortlie after he pu|nished them verie gréeuouslie, and peraduenture not without some ground of iust cause. For likelie it is, that some greater matter forced him to breake vp his iournie, than appeareth in our writers, although Rafe Cogheshall setteth downe some reasons alled|ged by the archbishop Hubert, and earle Marshall, to persuade him not to depart the realme. But perad|uenture other causes there were also of farre more importance that constreined him so greatlie against his mind & full resolution, both at the first, and now at this second time to returne. ¶ Uerelie to vtter my coniecture, it may be that vpon his last determi|nation to go ouer, he gaue new commandement to his lords to follow him, and they peraduenture vsed not such diligence in accomplishing his pleasure therein, as he looked they should haue doone: or it may be, when the armie was once discharged, the souldi|ers made such hast homewards, ech man towards his countrie, that it was no easie matter to bring them backe againe in any conuenient time. But howsoeuer it was, as it had béene vpon a change of purpose, he came backe againe (as before yée haue heard.)

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The thirteenth of Iulie Hubert archbishop of Can|turburie departed this life at Tenham,The death of the archb. of Canturburie. Matt. Paris. Polydor. the king not being gratlie sorie for his death (as some haue writ|ten) bicause he gathered some suspicion that he bare too much good will towards the French king. In ve|rie déed (as some write) the archbishop repented him|selfe of nothing so much, as for that he had commen|ded king Iohn to the Noblemen and Péeres of the realme, sith he prooued an other manner of man than he looked to haue found him. This archbishop had go|uerned the sée of Canturburie eleuen yeares, eight moneths, and six daies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After his deceasse, the moonks of Canturburie without knowledge of the king, chose one Reignold the subprior of their house to be their archbishop,An archbishop chosen. who secretlie went to Rome to obteine his confirmation of the pope. Which thing bred much mischéefe and great discord betwixt pope Innocent & king Iohn, since the pope would not confirme the election, bi|cause he saw some péece of secret practise, till he might vnderstand and be certified by report of suffici|ent witnesse (for that he wanted the letters com|mendatorie from the king) that the same election was lawfull and orderlie made. Of this delaie also the moonks being spéedilie aduertised, and to the end they might now recouer the kings fauour, whome they had verie sore offended in not making him pri|uie to the first election, they made request vnto him, that by his nomination it might be lawfull for them to choose an other archbishop.

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