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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Three hun|dred knights of men of armes to be found.Moreouer, about the same time king Richard re|quired by the archbishop of Canturburie his chéefe iustice, an aid of 300 knights to be found by his sub|iects of England, to remaine with him in his seruice for one whole yeare, or else that they would giue him so much monie, as might serue to reteine that num|ber after the rate of thrée shillings a daie of English monie for euerie knight. Whereas all other were contented to be contributors herein, onelie Hugh bishop of Lincolne refused,The bishop of Lincolne. and spake sore against the archbishop that moued the matter. But how so|euer that request tooke place, king Richard (as we find) leuied this yeare a subsidie of fiue shillings of e|uerie hide of land within the realme, two commissio|ners, that is to say, one of the spiritualtie, & a knight of the temporaltie, being appointed as commissio|ners in euerie shire, with the assistance of the shi|riffe, and others, to see the same assessed & rated after an hundred acres of land to the hide of land, accor|ding to the custome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare also the moonks of the house of the holie Trinitie,The moonks of Christes church send to the pope, complaining of their arch|bishop. otherwise called Christes church in Canturburie, exhibited their complaint vnto pope Innocent, that their archbishop Hubert (contrarie to his order and dignitie) exercised the office of high iustice, and sate in iudgement of bloud, being so in|cumbred in temporall matters, that he could not haue time to discharge his office touching spirituall causes: wherevpon the pope sent vnto king Richard, admonishing him not to suffer the said archbishop to be any longer troubled with temporall affaires,The pope sen|deth to the king. but to discharge him thereof, and not to admit any spiri|tuall person from thencefoorth vnto any temporall administration.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He further prohibited by vertue of their obedi|ence, all manner of prelats and men of the church, that they should not presume rashlie to take vpon them any maner of secular function or office. Wher|vpon the archbishop was discharged of his office of chéefe iustice, and Geffrey Fitz Peter succeeded in gouernement of the realme in his steed. ¶Geruasius Dorobernensis saith, that the archbishop resigned that office of his owne accord, and that not till after his returne from the marshes of Wales, where he had ouerthrowne the Welshmen, and slaine fiue thousand of them. Which victorie other ascribe vnto Geffrey Fitz Peter, which Geffrey (as the said Do|robernensis saith) succeeded the archbishop in the of|fice of lord cheefe iustice, but not vntill August, in the tenth yeare of the kings reigne.

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