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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wil. Paruus. Herevpon writing to the bishops of the realme, and to the moonks of Canturburie, he required them to procéed to the election of an archbishop for that see, and withall commended vnto them the foresaid Hu|bert, as a man most sufficient and méet for that roome.Hubert bishop of Salisburie elected archbi|shop of Can|turburie. He wrote likewise to the queene to further that matter, and easilie hereby obteined his desire. For shortlie after, the same Hubert was elected by the bishops and moonks, which assembled togither for that purpose. He was the 41 archbishop that gouer|ned that see: for although Reginold bishop of Bath was elected before him, yet bicause he died yer he was installed, he is not put in the number.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king being now put in good hope of his spée|die deliuerance, sent into England, willing his mo|ther quéene Elianor, the archbishop of Rouen and o|thers,Hubert arch|bishop of Cã|turburie, lord chéefe iustice. to come ouer vnto him into Almaine, and in the meane time he ordeined Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie to remaine at home as lord cheefe iustice. After this, the emperour with the aduice of the princes of the empire, assigned a day to king Ri|chard, in which he should be deliuered out of captiui|tie, which was the mondaie next after the twentith day of Christmasse. Wherevpon king Richard wrote vnto Hubert archbishop of Canturburie in forme as followeth.

6.1. The tenour of king Richards let|ters to the said archbishop.

The tenour of king Richards let|ters to the said archbishop.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _RIchardus Dei gratiarex Angliae, & dux Normaniae & Aquitaniae, & co|mes Andigauiae, venerabili patri nostro in Christo, & amico charissimo Huber|to eadem gratia Cantuariensi archiepiscopo salu|tem & sincerae dilectionis plenitudinem. Quo|niam certiores sumus, quod liberationem nostram plurimùm desideratis, & quòd liberatio nostra ad|modum vos laetificat, scripto volumus quod laetitiae nostrae participes sitis. Inde est quòd dilectioni ve|strae dignum duximus significare, dominum impe|ratorem certum diem liberationis nostrae nobis praefixisse, in die lunae proxima post vicessimum diem natiuitatis Domini, & die dominica proxi|ma sequenti coronabimur de regno prouinciae, quod nobis dedit. Vnde mittimus in Angliam lite|ras domini imperatoris super hijs patentes, vobis & caeteris amicis nostris beneuolis. Vos autem in|terim pro omni posse vestro quos scitis nos dilige|re, consolari velitis, & quos scitis promotionem nostram desiderare. Testemeipso apud Spiram 22. die Septembris.

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