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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon, king Henrie considering in what re|spect the pope was so readie to accomplish his re|quest,A councell at Cassill called a councell of the bishops to assemble at Cassill, where manie things were decréed and ordei|ned for the reforming of diuerse customes vsed be|fore amongst the Irish men, and méerelie repugnant to the lawes of the christian religion. There were al|so appointed as solicitors in these matters, R. Houed. and to sit as assistants with the Irish bishops, one of the kings chaplaines named Nicholas,The archdea|con of Landaf. and one Rafe the arch|deacon of Landaf.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 Amongst other things there concluded, it was ordeined, that children shuld be brought to the church, there to receiue baptisme in faire water, with thrée dippings into the same, in the name of the father, the sonne, and the Holie-ghost, and that by the préests hands, except in case where danger of death was fea|red, which then might be doone by any other person, and in any other place.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also it was ordeined, that tithes should be paid to churches, and that such laie men as would kéepe wiues, should keepe them according to the lawes of holie church, and not otherwise.

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