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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In like maner the kings of England and France receiued pope Alexander the third at Cocie vpon Loire with all honor and reuerence, Anno Reg. 9. 1163 N. Triuet. insomuch that they attended vpon his stirrup on foot like pages or lackies, the one vpon his right side, and the other on his left.

¶Note here the intollerable pride of this antichri|stian pope in assuming, and the basemindednesse of these two kings in ascribing vnto that man of sinne such dignitie as is vtterlie vnfit for his indignitie. But what will this monster of men, this Stupor mun|di, this Diaboli primogenitus & haeres not arrogate for his owne aduancement; like yuie climing aloft, & choking the trée by whose helpe it créepeth vp from the root to the top. But the end of this seauen horned beast so extolling and lifting it selfe vp to heauen, is

— Erebo miserè claudetur in imo
Atque illic miris cruciatibus afficietur.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Homage of the K. of Scots.In Ianuarie ensuing, the king returned into England, and the same yeare the king of Scots did homage vnto Henrie the yonger, and deliuered his yonger brother Dauid to the king his father, with di|uerse other the sonnes of his lords and barons in pledge, for assurance of a perpetuall peace to be kept betweene them, with some such castels as he re|quired.

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