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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Diuerse learned men namelie historiographers liued in these daies, as William Malmesburie, Hen|rie Huntington, Simon Dunelmensis, Galfridus Ar|turius, otherwise called Monumetensis, Caradoc Lancarnauensis, William Reuellensis, among whom Thurstan archbishop of Yorke is not to be forgotten, besides many more, who in diuerse sciences were verie expert and skilfull, as by treatises of their setting foorth to the world hath sufficientlie ap|peared.

Thus far Stephan of Bullongne.

Henrie the second, the second sonne ofGeffrey Plantagenet.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HEnrie the second of that name, a French man borne, the second sonne of Geffrey Plantagenet earle of An|iou, begotten of Maud the empresse, Anno Reg. 1. daughter to Hen|rie the first, began his reigne ouer England the fiue and twentith of October, in the yeare after the creation of the world 5121. and in the yeare after the incarnation of our sauiour 1154. about the beginning of the third yeare of the empe|rour Frederike the first, the second of pope Anasta|sius the fourth, the seuenteenth yeare of Lewes the seuenth king of France, and second of Malcolme then king of Scotland. Immediatlie after he was aduertised of the death of king Stephan, he came o|uer into England, landing at Ostreham about the seuenth day of December. N. Triuet. Matth. Paris After he had got his com|panies togither, which by tempest were scattered in his passage, he came first to Winchester, where he receiued homage and fealtie of the Nobles of the realme resorting vnto him. This doone he set foorth to|wards London, where he was crowned king by Theobald archbishop of Canturburie the twentith daie of December.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 N. Treuet. The archbi|shop of Rouen.The archbishop of Rouen, with thrée of his suffra|gans, the archbishop of Yorke, and manie other bi|shops of England: Theodorus the earle of Flan|ders, with a great number of other earles, lords and barons were present there at his coronation. He was at that time about the age of three and twentie yeares, Polydor. and to win the peoples loue, he spake manie comfortable words vnto them, to put them in hope (as the manner is) that they should find him a louing prince. He vsed the lords also verie coueteouslie. And first of all, after his atteining to the crowne, he chose to him councellers of the grauest personages,Councellers chosen. and best learned in the lawes of the realme, with whose prudent aduice be perused those lawes, and amended them where he thought necessarie, commanding chieflie, that the lawes established by his grandfa|ther Henrie the first should be obserued: Ran. Higd. and in ma|nie things he relied vpon the aduice of Theobald archbishop of Canturburie, at whose su [...]e he admit|ted Thomas Becket to be his chancellour,Thom. Bec|ket lord chan|cellor. which Becket the said archbishop had made archdeacon of Canturburie the yeare before.

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