Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wil. Malm. Polydor. Matt. Paris. Alberike de Uéer plea|deth the kings cause.In the meane time, namelie on the first daie of September, a councell was holden at Winchester, wherein earle Alberike de Ueer pleaded with great eloquence the kings case, in excuse of his fault for imprisoning the bishops, which was sore laid to his charge by his owne brother the bishop of Winche|ster, being also the popes legat: who (togither with the archbishop of Canturburie and other bishops) had called this councell for that purpose. Howbeit they got nothing of the king but faire words, and promi|ses of amendment in that which had béene doone o|therwise than equitie required, which promises were vtterlie vnperformed, and so the councell brake vp.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the moneth of Iulie the empresse Maud lan|ded here in England at Portesmouth,The empresse landed here in England. & went strait to Arundell, which towne (togither with the countie of Sussex) hir mother in law Adelicia king Henries second wife, wedded to William de Albenay, held in right of assignation for hir dower. There came in with the empresse hir brother Robert and Hugh Bi|got, of whom ye haue heard before.
Compare 1577 edition:
What power she brought with hir.Some write that the empresse brought with hir a
great armie, to the intent that ioining with Ra|nulph earle of Chester (who
tooke part with Robert erle of Glocester, bicause the same Rob. had maried his daughter) she might fight
with king Stephan, and trie the battell with him. Other declare that she came to England now at the
Wil. Malm.
but with a small power (as seuen score horssemen or men of armes as we may call them) in hope of
Gods assurance (who seldome faileth those that fight in a rightfull cause) and againe vpon trust of aid of
who for the benefits receiued at hir fathers hands, would be rea|die
to go against king Stephan. Wherevpon hir brother earle Robert leauing his sister in the castle of Arundell,
rode with all spéed vnto Glocester tho|rough his enimies countrie, not taking with him past 12. men of
armes, and as manie archers on horssebacke, that vpon his cõming thither he might leuie an armie with so
much speed as was possible. Now when he came to Glocester, though the citie was kept with a garison of
soldiours placed there by king Stephan,Earle Robert commeth to Glocester. yet the
townesmen, after they heard that their earle was approched to the gates, they droue out the garison,
& receiued him into the towne, where he remained a time, partlie to assemble an ar|mie, and partlie
to practise with other townes and ca|stels thereabouts, to reuolt vnto his sister.
Matt. Paris. Brian the earle of Glo|cesters sonne. Miles earle of Hereford. Polydor.
The empresse besieged in A|rundell castel.