Compare 1577 edition: 1 For this Roger bishop of Salisburie, was in the daies of William Rufus a poore préest, seruing a cure in a village néere the citie of Caen in Norman|die. Now it chanced, that the lord Henrie the kings brother came thither on a time, and called for a préest to say masse before him. Whervpon this Roger com|ming to the altar, was by and by readie and quicke at it, and therewithall had so speedilie made an end thereof, that the men of warre then attendant on the said lord Henrie, affirmed that this préest aboue all other, was a chapleine meet to say masse before men of warre, bicause he had made an end when manie thought he had but newlie begun. Herevpon the kings brother commanded the preest to follow him, insomuch that when oportunitie serued, for his dili|gent seruice, and readie dispatch of matters, when Henrie had atteined the crowne, he was by him EEBO page image 51 aduanced to great promotions:The bishop of Salisburie made lord Chancelour. as first to be Chance|lour of England, & after bishop of Salisburie, grow|ing still into such estimation, that he might doo more with the king than any other of the councell.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne to king Stephan, who after he had thus imprisoned the aforesaid bishops, manned those castles which he tooke from them with his owne sol|diers, in like maner as he had doone all the rest which he had taken from the rebels, that he might the bet|ter withstand the empresse and hir sonne, whose com|ming he euer feared. He began also to shew himselfe cruell towards all men, and namelie against those that had chieflie furthered his title to the obteining of the crowne. ¶ This (as manie tooke it) came to passe by the prouidence of almightie God, that those should suffer for their periuries, which contrarie to law and right had consented to crowne him king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In déed he wist not well whom he might trust, for he stood in doubt of all men,K. Stephan doubts whom to trust. bicause he was aduerti|sed by credible report, that the empresse sought for aid on all sides, meaning verie shortlie to come into England. For this cause also he thought good to pro|cure the fréendship of Lewes king of France, which he brought to passe,He cõtracteth affinitie with the French king. by concluding a mariage be|twéene his sonne Eustace and the ladie Constance sister to the said Lewes. But within a few yeares after, this Eustace died, and then was Constance maried to Raimond earle of Tholouse.