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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Simon Dun. A chanell cast from Torksey to Lincolne.Soone after king Henrie caused a chanell to be cast along the countrie in Lincolnshire, from Tork|sey to the citie of Lincolne, that vessels might haue passage out of the riuer of Trent vnto the same. Moreouer, Rafe bishop of Durham began to build the castell of Norham,Norham ca|stell built. H. Hunt. vpon the banke of the riuer of Twéed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At this time likewise Foulke Earle of Aniou be|ing now come out of the holie land (whither he went after the peace was made betwixt king Henrie and the French king) began to picke a quarrell against king Henrie, for withholding the ioincture of his daughter, who (as before you haue heard) was marri|ed vnto William the kings sonne that was drow|ned. He also gaue hir sister in mariage vnto Willi|am the sonne of duke Robert, assigning vnto him the earledome of Maime to enioy in the right of his wife.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, king Henrie visited the north parts of his realme, Polydor. to vnderstand the state of the countrie, and to prouide for the suertie and good go|uernement thereof, as was thought requisite.

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