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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Woolstan. At this synod also Woolstan bishop of Worcester was present, whom Lanfranke would haue deposed for his insufficiencie of learning; as he colourablie pretended, but indeed to pleasure the king, who faine would haue placed a Norman in his roome: but (as they saie) by a miracle which he presentlie wrought, in causing his crosier staffe to sticke fast in the toome of saint Edward (to whom he protested and said he would resigne it, for that he obteined the same by his gift) he did put the king and the archbishop into such feare, that they suffered him still to enioy his bishop|prike without any further vexation. These things with other (touching a reformation in the church and cleargie) being handled in this councell, it was soone after dissolued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 13. 1079In the yeare following, king William led a migh|tie armie into Wales, and subdued it; receiuing of the rulers and princes there their homages and ho|stages. Matth. Paris. Matth. West. About the same time, Robert the kings el|dest sonne, a right worthie personage, but yet as one of nature somewhat vnstable, entred into Norman|die as a rebell to his father, and by force tooke diuers places into his hands. Which he did by the practise of Philip the French king, who now began to doubt of the great puissance of king William, as foresee|ing how much it might preiudice him, and the whole realme of France in time to come.The French king setteth the sonne a|gainst the fa|ther. Wherefore to stop the course of his prosperous successe, he deuised a meane to set the sonne against the father. True it is that king William had promised long afore to re|signe the gouernment of Normandie vnto the said Robert his sonne. Wherevpon the yoong man, be|ing of an ambitious nature, and now pricked for|ward by the sinister counsell of his adherents, seeketh to obteine that by violence, which he thought would be verie long yer he should atteine by curtesie. King William hereof aduertised, was not a little mooued against his disobedient sonne, and curssed both him and the time that euer he begat him. Simon Dun. Matth. Paris. Finallie, rai|sing an armie, he marched towards him, so that they met in the field. Assoone as the one came in sight of the other, they encountred at a place called Archen|braie, and whilest the battell was at the hottest, and the footmen most busied in fight, Robert appointed a power of horssemen to breake in vpon the réere|ward of his enimies; & he himselfe following after with all his might, chanced among other to haue a conflict with his owne father, so that thrusting him through the arme with his lance, he bare him beside his horsse, and ouerthrew him to the ground. The king being falne,The sonne o|uerthroweth the father. called to his men to remount him. Robert perceiuing by his voice that it was his fa|ther, whom he had vnhorssed, spéedilie alighted, and tooke him vp, asking him forgiuenesse for that fact, and setting him vp on his owne horsse, brought him out of the prease, and suffered him to depart in safe|tie. King William being thus escaped out of that present danger, and séeing himselfe not able to resist the puissance of his enimies, left the field to his son, hauing lost many of his men which were slaine in battell and chace, Simon Dun. besides a great number that were hurt and wounded, among whom his second sonne William surnamed Rufus or Red, was one; and therefore (as some write) he bitterlie curssed his son Robert, Matth. Paris. by whom he had susteined such iniurie, losse, and dishonor. Howbeit, other write, that for the cour|tesie which his sonne shewed, in releeuing and hel|ping him out of danger,The father and the sonne made friends. when he was cast off his horsse, he was mooued with such a fatherlie affection, that presentlie after they were made friends, the fa|ther pardoned his sonne all his former offenses, and therevpon found him euer after more trac [...]able and obedient than before.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this battell, king William being thus ac|corded with his sonne, Anno Reg. 14. 1080 returned with him into England, and immediatlie sent him against Mal|colme king of Scotland, who hauing broken the truce in time of the trouble betwixt king William and his sonne, Simon Dunel. had doone much hurt by forraies vp|on the English borders, wasting all Northumber|land euen to the riuer of Tine. Howbeit, when he heard that Robert approched with his armie towards him, he retired into Scotland. Robert Curthuze then lodged with his armie vpon the banks of the riuer of Tine,The founda|tion of New castell vpon Tine, which before that season was called Mon|caster. where he began the foundation of a castell, whereof the towne of Newcastell did after take both beginning and name, for before this season it was called Moncaster.

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