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10.30. Ororike prince of Meth besieging Du|blin, is driuen off by Miles Cogan, and hath the woorst side. Chap. 30.

Ororike prince of Meth besieging Du|blin, is driuen off by Miles Cogan, and hath the woorst side. Chap. 30.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 IN the meane time Ororike, the one eied king of Meth, watching the absence of the earle as also of Reimond, the one being in England, and the other at Waterford, he must [...]red a great number of soldiors, and vpon a sudden about the kalends of September, laieth siege to the citie of Dublin: within the which there were then but few men, but yet they were valiant and ve|rie men indeed. And as the flame can not be suppres|sed, but that it will breake out: euen so vertue and valiantnesse can not be shut vp, but that it will (when time and occasion serueth) shew it selfe. For Miles Cogan and all his companie vpon a sudden issue out vpon the enimies, and vnwares taking them nap|ping, made a great slaughter of them: among whom there was the sonne of Ororike, a lustie yoong gen|tleman, and he slaine also. And at this time the king of England, lieng at Penbroke in Wales, he fell out with the noblemen and gentlemen of the coun|trie: bicause they had suffered the earle Richard to take his passage among them from thense into Ire|land. And remoouing such as had anie charge or kée|ping of any forts there, he placed others therein: but at length his heat being cooled, & his displeasure quai|led, they were reconciled againe to his good fauour and grace.

Whilest the king laie there, he had great pleasure in hawking, and as he was walking abroad with a goshawke of Norwaie vpon his fist, he had espied a falcon sitting vpon a rocke; and as he went about the rocke to view and behold him, his goshawke hauing also espied the falcon, bated vnto him, and therewith the king let him flie. The falcon séeing hir selfe thus béeset, taketh also wing: and albeit hir flight was but slow at the first; yet at length she maketh wing and mounteth vp of a great height: and taking the ad|uantage of the goshawke hir aduersarie, commeth downe with all hir might, and striking hir she claue hir backe asunder, and fell downe dead at the kings foot: wherat the king and all they that were then pre|sent had great maruell. And the king hauing good li|king, and being in loue with the falcon, did yearelie at the bréeding and disclosing time send thither for them: for in all his land there was not a better and a more hardie hawke.

10.31. The comming of king Henrie into Ireland. Chap. 31.

The comming of king Henrie into Ireland. Chap. 31.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 THese things thus doone, and all prepa|red in a readinesse fit for such a noble en|terprise, and for which the king had staied a long time in Wales, he went to saint Da|uids church, where when he had made his praiers and doone his deuotion, the wind and the wether well seruing, he tooke shipping and arriued vnto Water|ford in the kalends of Nouember, being saint Luks daie: hauing in his retinue fiue hundred gentlemen of seruice, and of bowmen and horssemen a great number. This was in the seuentéenth yeare of his reigne, the one & fortith of his age, and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred seauentie & two, Alexander the third then pope, Frederike then em|peror, and Lewes then French king. And now was Prophesies of Merlin and Molin fulfil|led. fulfilled the prophesie of Merlin, that A firie globe shall come out of the east, and shall deuour and con|sume all Ireland round about: and likewise the pro|phesie of saint Molin, that Out of the east shall come a mightie hurling wind, & rush thorough to the west, and shall run thorough and ouerthrow the force and strength of Ireland.

10.32. The citizens of Wexford present vnto the king Robert Fitzstephans, and sundrie princes of Ireland come and submit themselues to the king. Chap. 32.

The citizens of Wexford present vnto the king Robert Fitzstephans, and sundrie princes of Ireland come and submit themselues to the king. Chap. 32.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 THe king being thus landed at Water|ford, and there resting himselfe; the citizens of Wexford, vnder colour and pretense of great humblenesse and dutie, and in hope of some thanks, they brought Robert Fitzstephans bound as a captiue and a prisoner, and presented him to the king as one who deserued small fauor or cour|tesie, that he had without his consent & leaue entered into Ireland, & giuen thereby an occasion to others to offend and to doo euill. The king not liking of him, fell out with him, and charged him verie déepelie and sharplie for his rash and hastie aduentures, and that he would take vpon him to make a conquest of Ire|land without his assent and leaue: and forthwith commanded him to be handlocked and fettered, with an other prisoner, and to be safelie kept in Renold tower. Then Dermon Mac Arth prince of (1) Corke came to the king of his owne frée will, submitted himselfe, became tributarie, and tooke his oth to be true and faithfull to the king of England. After this the king remooued his armie and marched toward (2) Lisemore, and after that he had tarried a|bout two daies, he went to (3) Cashill, and thither came vnto him at the riuer of (4) Sure, Donold prince of (5) Limerike: where when he had obtei|ned peace, he became tributarie and swore fealtie. The king then set (of his men) rulers and kéepers o|uer the cities of Corke and Limerike.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then also came in Donold prince of Ossorie, and Macleighlin O Felin prince of the Decies, and all the best & chiefest men in all Mounster, & did submit themselues, became tributaries and swore fealtie. Whome when the king had verie liberallie rewar|ded, he sent them home againe: and he himselfe re|turned backe againe to Waterford through (6) Ti|brach. When he came to Waterford, Fitzstephans was brought before him, & when he had well beheld him, and considered with himselfe the valiantnesse of the man, the good seruice he had doone, & the perils & dangers he had beene in: he began to be mooued with some pitie and compassion vpon him, and at the in|tercession & by the mediation of certeine noblemen, he heartilie forgaue him, and released him from out of bonds, and restored him wholie to his former state and libertie, sauing that he reserued to himselfe the towne of Wexford, with the territories and lands therevnto adioining: & not long after some of those traitors, who thus had betraied him, were themsel|ues taken and put to death.

(1) Corke, in Latine named Corcagium, is an an|cient citie in the prouince of Mounster, and builded (as it should appeare) by the Easterlings or Nor|waies. It standeth now in a marish or a bog, and vn|to EEBO page image 22 it floweth an arme of the seas, in the which are ma|nie goodlie receptacles or harboroughs for ships, & much frequented as well for the goodlie commodities of fishings therein, as also for the trade of merchan|dize, by the which the citie is chieflie mainteined: for the inhabitants are not onlie merchants & great tra|uellers themselues; but also great s [...]ore of strange merchants doo dailie resort & traffike with them. It is wailed round about, and well fortified for a suffici|ent defense against the Irishrie. In it is the bishops sée of that diocesse, being called by the name of the bishop of Corke. The citie is gouerned by a maior and two bailiffes, who vsing the gouernement accor|ding to the lawes of England; doo keepe and main|teine the same in verie good order. They are verie much troubled with the enimie, and therefore they doo continuallie, as men lieng in a garison, keepe watch and ward both daie and night. The prince of that countrie did most commonlie kéepe & staie himselfe in all troubles within that citie, vntill the time the same was conquered by the Englishmen, who euer since haue inhabited in the same.

(2) Lisemore in times past was as faire a towne as it is ancient, and standeth vpon a goodlie riuer, which floweth vnto Youghall, and so into the maine seas. It was sometimes a bishoprike, but of late v|nited to the bishoprike of Waterford, and so it lieth in the countie and diocesse of Waterford, but the soile it selfe was within the countie of Corke.

(3) Cashill is an old ruinous towne, but walled, and standeth vpon the riuer Sure. In it is the see and cathedrall church of the bishop, bearing the name therof, who is one of the foure archbishopriks of that land, and vnder him are the bishops of Waterford, Corke, and seuen others.

(4) The Sure is a goodlie and a notable riuer, and one of the chiefest in that land. It hath his head or spring in a certeine hill called Blandina, but in Irish Sloghblome, for the pleasantnesse thereof. Manie good townes are seated and builded vpon the same, & it is nauigable more than the one halfe. It fléeteth from the spring or head fast by the towne of Thorleis, whereof the earle of Ormond is baron: from thense to the holie crosse and so to Clomnell, & from thense to Carig Mac Griffith, where is an an|cient house of the earles, sometime named the earles of the Carig, but now earles of Ormond; and from thense fléeting by Tibrach, it commeth to Water|ford; and fléeting by the wals thereof, it runneth into the seas.

(5) Limerike is one of the first cities builded by the Norwaies or Easterlings, named sometimes Ostomen: the founder whereof was the yoongest of thrée brethren whose name was Yuorus. It standeth vpon the famous and noble riuer of Shenin, which goeth round about it, the same being as it were an Iland. The seat of it is such, as none can be more faire or more statelie. It lieth in the maine land with|in the prouince of Mounster, called the north Moun|ster, and is from the maine seas aboue fortie miles, and yet at the wals euen the greatest ship at the seas maie be discharged and vnladen, and yéerelie so there are: for the citie it selfe is chieflie inhabited by mer|chants. It is gouerned by a maior and bailiffes after and according to the English lawes and orders. It was in times past vnder a particular prince of it self, but euer since the conquest it hath béene inhabited by the Englishmen, who doo so still continue therin.

(6) Tibrach is an old towne, which in times past was rich and verie well inhabited, it lieth vpon the north side of the Sure, and about two miles from Carig Mac Griffith. In it is a great stone standing, which is the bound betwéene the counties of Kilken|nie and Ormond.

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