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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and the lyke diſcommodities, wyth which Hiſtoriographers are vſually cloyd, haue borne backe diuers and ſundry willing mindes, who taking the way to bee thorny, the credite ſlipperie, the carpers to bee many, woulde in no caſe bee medlers, chooſing rather to ſitte by theyr owne fyre obſcurely at home, than to bee bayted with enuious tongs openly abrode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Others on the contrary ſide, beeyng reſolute fellowes, and trampling vnder foote theſe curi|ous faultfynders, would not ſticke to put them|ſelues forthe in preſſe, and mangre all theyr heartes, to buſkle forwarde, and ruſhe through the pykes of theyr quipping nippes, and bityng frumpes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But I, takyng the meane betweene both theſe extremities, helde it for better, not to bee ſo feynte and peeuiſhe a meacocke, as to ſhrinke and couche myne head, for euery mizeling ſhoure, nor yet to beare my ſelfe ſo high in heart, as to praunce and iette lyke a proude gennet through the ſtreete, not weighing the barking of curriſh bandogges.

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