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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe why the Earle of Crawford thus ſlue the Chancelor, was only vpon enuy & ſpite,Enuie and ſpite. for that after he had maried the kings daughter, he atteyned to ſuch eſtimatiõ and authoritie, that he might do all things with the king according to his owne will and pleaſure.The Earle of Crawford in exile. For this offence the Erle of Crawford remayned in exile certaine yeares after, and durſt not returne home, til final|ly through earneſt ſute made to the king by the Erles of Dowglas, and March,His pardon is begged. his pardon was begged, and then at length he was reconciled to the kings fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time Edward king of England the third of that name, departed this life, and Ri|chard of Burdeaux, ſonne to the blacke Prince, Edward, that was ſonne to the ſaid K. Edward, ſucceeded, in the fourth yeare of whoſe raigne be|ing after the byrth of our Sauiour .1181,


Engliſh Am|baſſadors ſent into Scotland.

Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter, with other Eng|liſhe Lordes came into Scotlande in Am|baſſade, to treate for the appeaſing of the diſcorde as then continuing betwixt the two Realmes: and in the ende the matter was ſo handled, that a truce was concluded to endure for three yeares.A truce taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As the ſaid Duke was returning homewards,Rebellion in Englande. he was informed of the rebellion and inſurrection EEBO page image 359 made by the commons of England againſt the nobles,Iacke Straw. hauing one Iacke Staw & others to their captaines, whervpon doubting to paſſe through his owne countrey till things were better appea|ſed, he returned into Scotlande, & was conueyed by William Erle of Dowglas, and Archymbald Dowglas Lorde of Galloway, vnto holy Roode houſe beſide Edenbourgh, where he remayned till he heard that the rebels were ſuppreſſed, and their captaynes ſlaine or taken and put to execution.

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