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Compare 1587 edition: 1 An other cauſe of their meſſage was alſo, (as the Scottes doe write) to renue the olde league and bande betwixt Scotland and France,The renuing of the league betwixt Scot|lande and Fraunce. which being done in ſolemne wiſe according to the ma|ner, they returned into Fraunce, and with them went Ambaſſadors from king Robert vnto their maiſter the ſayd King Charles, Walter Ward|law, Cardinall and Biſhop of Glaſgew, wyth many other noble men, who in like maner there renued the ſame league and bond of friendſhip, to the high contentation of both the Princes. This was in the eleuenth yeare of King Robert hys raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chaunce|lor of Scotland ſlaine.In which yeare Iohn Lion Chauncelor of Scotlande was ſlaine by Iames Lyndeſay Erle of Crawford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Iohn Lion grewe into ſo high fauour with king Robert, that he gaue to him his daugh|ter the Ladie Elizabeth in mariage, with diuerſe poſſeſſions and landes called Glammis. Of him the ſurname of the Lions is deſcended: and in memorie thereof they beare in their armes the Lion and Lillyes, wyth the treſſe in fourme and faſhion as the King of Scotlande beareth hys, ſaue that theyr Lions are placed in a blacke fielde.

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