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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſpoyle, waſt, deſtruction, and ſlaughter which the Scottes practiſed with fire and ſword, was wonderful to heare, and incredible almoſt to bee tolde, they ſpared neyther yong nor olde, Church nor Chappell: Religious houſes as wel as other were conſumed to Aſhes.The Abbey of Durham ſpoyled. The Abbay of Durham, and all places thereabout (as the Scottiſhe wryters affyrme) were ſpoyled and miſerably ſacked, although it was ſayde King Dauid was admoniſhed in a dreame that hee ſhoulde in anye wyſe abſtayne from violating the goodes and landes pertayning to Sainct Cutbert.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Northumberland Lieutenant of the North vnder king Edward to reſiſt theſe in|iuries,The Earle of Northumber|land Lieute|nant of the north. rayſed a great power of men, and ioyning the ſame with ſuch bands of old ſouldiers as king Edwarde had lately ſent ouer out of Fraunce for that purpoſe,A Heralde. fyrſt diſpatched an Heralde at ar|mes vnto king Dauid, requyring him to ſtay from further inuading the Countrey, and to re|turne into Scotlande till ſome reaſonable order for a finall peace might be agreed vpon betwixt him and the king his maſter: otherwyſe he ſhould be ſure to haue battaile to the vtteraunce within three dayes after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Dauid contemning thys meſſage, re|quyred his folkes to make them readie to re|ceyue theyr enimyes if they came to aſſayle them, and on the next morrowe, he deuided hys armie into three battayles:The appoyn|ting of the Scottiſh bat|tayles. in the fyrſt was Robert Steward Prince of Scotlande, and Pa|trike Dunbar Earle of Marche: In the ſeconde were appoynted Iohn Earle of Murrey, and William Earle of Dowglas: In the thyrde was the King himſelfe, with all the reſidue of the Nobles.

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