Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were lefte alſo with him Michaell He|reot, Dauid Wemis, and Richarde Maleville, with diuers other. Theſe capitaines aduiſing the place and ſyte of the Caſtell, lodged themſelues within the Churcheyarde of Sainte Serf [...], be|ſide Kinroſſe, makyng Baſtyles and other de|fenſes within the ſame, for their more ſafegarde.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within the Caſtell were two valyant cap|taynes to defende it,Alane Vepont & Iames Lam|by captains of Lochleuyn. the one named Alane Ve|pount, and Iames Lamby Citeſins of Saint Androwes.