Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus didde the Ballyoll encreaſe in puiſ|ſaunce by ſuche confluence of people, as day|lye ſubmitted them ſelues vnto hym, and hee enryched them liberally wyth landes and goo|des ſtill as they came vnto him, therby to winne their good willes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſoughte by all meanes poſſible to haue gotten Roberte Stewarde into hys handes,Robert Ste|warde. as the perſone whome hee knewe to haue moſte ryghte next vnto kyng Dauid to the Crowne of Scotlande: but thorough the dyligent for|ſyghte of hys friendes: Thys Roberte Ste|warde beeyng aboute the age of fyfteene yea|res, was conueyed to the caſtell of Dunbreton, where hee was ioyefully receyued by Malcolme Flemyng the Captais.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ballyoll beeyng ſore offended, that ſuche Caſtelles as were kepte by his enimies, were ſo greate an impedimente to hys enterpri|ſes, by ſuccouring and relieuyng hys aduerſa|ryes to maynteyne warres agaynſt him, he got togyther an armye,Lochleuyn be|ſieged. and the nexte yeare layde ſiege vnto the Caſtell of Lochlevyn: But per|ceyuyng that thys Caſtell myghte not bee wonne without long ſiege, he appoynted Syr Iohn Striuelyng to continue the ſiege wyth a greate power of menne, vntill the Caſtel were yeelded.