Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, he procured ye frendſhip of Robert Bruce, and vpon promiſe (as it is to be thought) to make him king, the ſame Robert deliuered in|to king Edwarde his handes all ſuche caſtels as he helde in Scotlande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Ballyol the Scottiſh king, vnderſtan|ding that king Edwarde mynded to make a cõ|queſt vpon him, ſent William biſhop of Sainte Androws, & Mathew biſhop of Dunkeld, with ſir Iohn Sowlis, and ſir Ingrame Vmfrayuile into Fraunce,The league renewed be|twixte France and Scotland. to renewe the auncient league be|twixte him and Philyp the fourth as then king of Fraunce: whyche accordyngly was doone: and for the more corroboration thereof, the el|deſt daughter of Charles Earle of Valloys and Angiewe, brother to king Philippe, was pro|miſed in mariage vnto Edwarde Ballyoll, the ſonne of king Iohn,Ex Chron. Abindon. as I take it. whiche Edward ſhould en|ioy landes of yearely rente and reuenues to the ſumme of .xv. C .li. ſterling, in places not of the demains belonging to the crown, as Ballieulle, Dampiere, Harecourte, and Horney, which his father helde in Fraunce with Lanarke, Kidion, Maldeſey, Cunyngham, and the caſtell of Dun|dee, with the apurtenaunces in Scotland: and hereto was annexed a prouiſo, that if thoſe ſeig|nories and places exceeded the value of of yearely reuenues, then ſhould the ſurpluſage remaine to the king of Scotland: but if the ſame amounted not to that ſumme, then ſhoulde the ſayd king make them good & ſupply ye ſame, with other rentes in Scotlande, or otherwiſe, as ſhuld be thought meete. And further, the ſayde ſumme of in yearely rente was aſſigned as it were the dower of the ſayde Ladye, to enioye to hir ſelfe during hir lyfe after hir huſbandes de|ceaſſe, if hir happe were to ſuruiue him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In conſideration wherof, king Philip couenan|ted to content and pay vnto king Iohn in name of the mariage mony, the ſum of .lx.M. crowns,Hector Boe|tius. Abyndon. or (as other write) .xxv. thouſande pound Tur|noiſe. The charter conteyning the articles, coue|nants and agreementes of this mariage & league aboue mencioned, beareth date at Paris, the .23. day of October, in the yeare of our Lorde .1295.1295. And the letters procuratorie made by king Iohn vnto the ſaid biſhop of Saint Androws and the other his aſſociates, bare date at Striueling, the third Nonas of Iuly the ſame yeare.