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Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is ſayde, that the Erle of Glouceſter,The ſaying of the Earle of Glouceſter (as the ſcots write but not lyke to be true.) K. Edwarde was no man ſo do be delt with. a mã of great prudence and authoritie in Englande, (ſeyng the Ballyol thus made king, and Robert Bruce without reaſon put backe) ſpake in thys ſort to king Edward: Oh king, remembre what is done by thee this day, ſparing to giue righte|ous ſentence in this matter, for though the ſame bee nowe couered and hidde, it ſhall be reuealed, when the great iudge that ſearcheth conſciences and the ſecretes of euery mans mynd, ſhal cauſe thee to anſwere for it at the dreadfull day of that vniuerſall iudgement: thou haſte nowe giuen ſentence on a king, but then ſhall iudgemente be giuen on thee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortely after,Iohn Ballyol crowned king of Scotlande. Iohn Ballyol went in great aray vnto Scone, where he was crowned king of Scotlande on ſaint Andrewes day, in the yere from the incarnation .1292.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the yeare next enſuing,


Iohn Ballyol doth homage to king Ed|ward.

on ſaint Stephẽs day in Chriſtmaſſe, he came to Newcaſtel vpon Tyne, and there did homage vnto king Edward for the realme of Scotlande, contrarye to the mynde and conſent of all his nobles,So ſaye the Scottiſhe wri|ters, but howe truely, reade more hereof in England. for that by this meanes, hee ſeemed to ſubmitte his realme (whiche had remayned in freedome vnto thoſe dayes) into the ſeruitude of the Engliſhemen: but ſmall felicitie ſucceeded thereof: for within fewe yeares after, king Edwarde commaunded hym by tenour of his bonde of homage to come with all the power he mighte make to ayde him EEBO page image 300 in his warres againſt the king of Fraunce.

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