Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 295 Thomas earle of Carrike.The Earle of Carrike, whoſe name was Thomas; periſhing thus amongſt the reſidue in Affrike, left no inheritor behinde him to enioy his landes,Martha daugh|ter to the earle of Carrike. ſauing a daughter named Martha, being then about .xv. yeares of age.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yong Ladie chauncing to ryde a hun|ting in the Woods for paſtime and ſolace, as the vſe is, fortuned by aduenture to meete with a noble yong man one Robert Bruce the ſonne and heyre to Robert Bruce the Lorde of Au| [...]andals in Scotland,Robert Bruce. and Cleuelande in Eng|land, begot of Iſabel the ſecond daughter of Da|uid Earle of Huntington.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lady immediately became ſo inamou|red of this yong Gentleman, that ſhee ledde him with hir home vnto Carrike,Robert Bruce maryed to Martha daugh|ter to the earle of Carrike. where without ma|king hir friendes priuy to the matter, ſhe maryed him in all haſt, leaſt any man ſhould be about to hynder hir determinate purpoſe.