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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henrie King of Englande prayſed much the wiſedome of king Alexander for this his anſwer,K. Alexanders wiſdome pray|ſed by king Henrie. as he declared ſhortly after by his ſonne Prince Edwarde (who came to viſite his ſiſter the Queene, and his brother in lawe King Alexan|der at Rokeſbourgh, where they met him) for ye muſt vnderſtand that king Henrie had alſo lear|ned (by experience) to be wiſe in that behalfe, as well as other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Alexander yet after this,A thouſande Markes ſent to the Pope. ſent vnto the Pope a thouſande Markes in ſiluer: and vnto Lewes the French King that requyred his ayde in that iourney whiche hee made into Affrike a|gaynſt the Saraſins there, a thouſande Souldi|ours vnder the leading of the Earles of Car|rike, and Atholl,Scottiſh cap|taynes ſent in|to Affrike. Iohn Stewart the brother of Alexander Stewart, Alexander Cumyn, Robert Reth, George Durwarde, Iohn Quincie and William Gordon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All theſe going ouer with King Lewes into Affrike, dyed there, either vpõ the enimies ſword, or by the intemperate heate of that Countrey, (whervnto they had not bene accuſtomed) in the yeare after the incarnation. 1270.1270.

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