Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon ſhortly after, was Alexander Cu|myn with fiue thouſand choſen mẽ ſent by king Alexander into Englande,Alexander Cu|myn ſent into England. who right valiantly bare themſelues in that warre whiche king Hen|rie held againſt his Barons, wherof in the Eng|liſh Chronicle ye may read more at large.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In theſe dayes (as the tranſlator of Hector Boetius hath [...]orytten) that notable and moſte famous outlawe Robyn Hoode lyued,Robyn Hood and little Iohn his cõpanion. with his fellow little Iohn, of whom are many fables and mery ieaſtes deuiſed and ſung amongſt the vul|gar people.