Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further, in place where the greateſt ſlaugh|ter of Danes and Norwegyans had bene made, it was couenaunted that an Hoſpitall ſhoulde bee erected and founded there, for the ſuſtentation of poore folkes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Warres in Englande.Aboute thys ſeaſon, there was great warres in Englande betwixte King Henrie and hys Barons, of whome the chiefe was Symon Mountfort Earle of Leyceſter, and dyuerſe other.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrie requireth ayd of Scottes.King Henrie beeing not well able to wyth|ſtand his aduerſaries attempts, requeſted King Alexander to ſende him ſome ayde of Scottes to ſubdue the rebels of his realme, that had arreared warres agaynſt him.