Compare 1587 edition: 1 And King Alexander for this reſignation was agreed to paye to the ſayde King of Nor|way,A yearely pencion. foure thouſande Markes ſterling, togither wyth a penſion or trybute of an hundred Marks by yeare: And for the more confyrmation of loue and amitie betwixt the two kings and their people,Margaret king Alexanders daughter. Margaret the daughter of King Alexan|der being not paſt one yeare of age, was promiſed in maryage vnto Hannigo, the ſonne of King Magnus, the ſame maryage to be conſummate when ſhe came to yeares maryageable.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further, in place where the greateſt ſlaugh|ter of Danes and Norwegyans had bene made, it was couenaunted that an Hoſpitall ſhoulde bee erected and founded there, for the ſuſtentation of poore folkes.