Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 294Magnus King of Norway informed here|of,The Chance|lor of Norway ambaſſador to K. Alexander. ſent eftſoones his Chauncelour in Ambaſſade vnto King Alexander, to trie if he might by trea|tie recouer againe thoſe Iles: and if he might not bring that to paſſe, yet to compounde with him for a yearly tribute.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt motion of the Chauncelor woulde in no wiſe be heard, therefore ſurceaſſing to ſpend any longer tyme aboute it, they fell in commu|nication touching the ſeconde, which tooke effect at length in this wiſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The releaſe of Magnus king of Norway to the Scottiſh Iles.King Magnus by his Letters vnder hys greate Seale, renounced and gaue ouer all ryght or clayme that hee had or myght haue, both for him and his ſucceſſours to all the Iles of Scotlande.