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5.85. Sigibert.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 193] AFter hym ſucceeded one Sigibert,Sigibert. a cruell prince & one vnmer|cifull at home, yet a cowarde abrode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sigbert or Sigibert be+gan his raigne in the yeare of our Lorde .755. very neare ended.755 He intreated his ſubiects verie euill, ſetting lawe EEBO page image 194 and reaſon at naught, he could not abide to heare his faultes tolde him, and therefore he cruelly put to death an Earle named Cumbra, which was of his counſaile and faythfully admoniſhed him to reforme his euill doings: wherevpon the reſt of his Nobles aſſembled themſelues togither wyth a great multitude of people, and expelled him out of his eſtate in the beginning of the ſeconde, or (as Hariſon hath) the firſt yeare of hys raigne. Then Sigibert, as hee was fearefull of nature, fearing to bee apprehended, gotte him into the Woodde called as then Andredeſwalde, and there hydde himſelfe, but by chaunce a Swinehearde that belonged to the late Earle Cumbra at Priueteſfloud founde him oute, and perceyuing what he was, ſlue him in reuenge of his maiſters death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lo here you may ſee how the righteous iu|ſtice of God rewardeth wicked doings in thys world with worthie recompence, as wel as in the worlde to come, appoynting forth euill Princes ſometymes to reigne to the puniſhment of the people, according as they haue deſerued permyt|ting ſome of them to haue gouernment a long tyme, that both the frowarde Nation maye ſuf|fer long for theyr ſinnes, and that ſuch wicked Princes maye in an other Worlde taſte the more bytter tormentes. Againe, other hee taketh ſhortly out of the way, that the people maye bee deliuered from oppreſſion, & alſo that the naugh|tie ruler for his miſdemenor may ſpeedily receyue due puniſhment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 194] Ethel|red. AFter B [...]|orne King of Eaſtangles one Ethelred ſucceeded in go+uernment of yt kingdõ, a man noted to bee of good & vertu|ous qualities, in yt he brought vp his ſonne Ethelbert (which ſucceeded him) ſo in the feare of the Lorde, that he proued a righte godly prince. This Etheldred raigned (as Hari|ſon and alſo other writers haue) the terme of .lij. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Ceolvulf king of Northumberland was become a Monk, in the Abbey of Lindiſfern,728 Egbert king of Northumber|lande. Har. hath. 21. 758 his vncles ſonne Egbert by (order taken by the ſayd Ceovulfe) ſucceeded him in the kingdome, & gouerned the ſame right worthily for the terme of xxiiij. yeares, and then became a Monke, by the example both of his predeceſſor the foreſayd Ceo|vulf,Chaunging of crownes for Monks cowles and alſo of diuerſe other kings in thoſe days, ſo that he was the eight king who in this lãd had chaunged a kings Crowne for a Monks Cowle, (as Simon Dunel. wryteth.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Edbert (in the .xviij. yere of his raigne,)756 and Vnguſt king of Pictes came to the Citie of Aleluid with theyr armeyes, and there receyued the Brytaynes into theyr ſubiection, the fyrſt day of Auguſt: but the tenth day of the ſame moneth, the armie which he led from Ouan vnto Newbourgh, was for the more part loſt and de|ſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare on the .viij. kalendes of De|cember, the Moone beeing as then in hir full ap|peared to be of a bloudie coulour, but at length ſhee came to hir accuſtomed colour, after a mar|ueylous meanes, for a ſtarre, whiche followed hir, paſſed through hir, and went before hir, the like diſtance as it kept in following hir before ſhe loſt hir vſuall light.Offa.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Offa had ſtayne Bernred the v|ſurper of the Kingdome of Mercia (as before is mentioned,) the ſame Offa tooke vppon hym the gouernment of that Kingdome .758. a man of ſuch ſtowtneſſe of ſtomacke, 758 Mat. VVeſt. that he thought he ſhould be able to bring to paſſe all things whatſo|euer he conceyued in his mind. He raigned .xxxix. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His doings were great and marueylous,VVil. Mal. and ſuche as ſome tymes his vertues ſurpaſſed hys vices, and ſometyme againe his vices ſeemed to ouermatch his vertues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Kentiſhmen he ouercame in a great bat|tayle at Otteforde,The [...] of king Offa. Mat. VVeſt. 779 and the Northumbers alſo were by hym vanquiſhed, and in battaile put to flight. With Kenvulfe King of Weſt Saxons hee fought in open battaile, and obteyned a no|ble victorie, wyth ſmall loſſe of hys people, al|thoughe the ſame Kenwulfe was a right valy|aunt Prince, and a good Captaine. Againe, per|ceyuing that to proceede wyth craft ſhoulde ſoo|ner aduaunce his purpoſe, than to vſe open force agaynſt Egilbert King of Eaſt Angles, vnder fayre promiſes to giue vnto him hys daughter in maryage,Falſehed is feloſhip. hee allured him to come into Mercia, and receyuing him into hys Pa|layce, cauſed his heade to be ſtryken off, and af|ter by wrongfull meanes inuaded his kingdome, and got it into his poſſeſſion: yet hee cauſed the bones of the firſt Martyr of this lande Saint Albone (by a myraculous meanes brought to light,) to bee taken vp, and put in a riche ſhrine, adourned with golde and ſtone, buylding a good|ly Churche of excellent workemanſhippe, and founding a Monaſterie in that place in honour of the ſame Saint, which he indowed with great poſſeſſions.The Archbi|ſhops ſea re|moued from Canterburie to Lichfielde. Hee remoued the Archbiſhops Sea from Canterburie vnto Lichfield, thereby to ad|uaunce his Kingdome of Mercia, as well in dignitie and preheminẽce of Spirituall power as Temporall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 195He made great ſuyte to bring that his pur|poſe to paſſe in the Court of Rome, and at length by great giftes and rewardes he obteyned it at the handes of Pope Adrian the firſt, 785 [...]t. VVeſt. as then gouer|ning the Romaine Sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo Eadulfus as then Biſhop of Lich|fielde was adourned with the Pall, and taken for Archbiſhop, hauing all thoſe Biſhops with|in the limittes of King Offa his Dominion, Suffraganes vnto him, as Denebertus By|ſhop of Worceſter, Werebertus Biſhop of Cheſ|ter, Eadulfus Biſhop of Dorcheſter, Wl [...]nar|dus Biſhop of Hereforde, Halard Biſhop of Elſ|ham, and Cedferth Biſhop of Donwich. There remayned onely to the Archbiſhop of Canter|burie, the Biſhops of London, Wyncheſter, Ro|cheſter, and Shireburne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]he Archbi| [...]op Lambert [...]ended his, [...].And this ſeparation continued all the life time of the Archbiſhoppe Lambert, although he tra|uayled earneſtly to maintayne his prerogatiue, inſomuch for that hee ſtyll defended his cauſe, and woulde not conſent to his will, Offa depri|ued him of all his poſſeſſions and reuenues that he helde or enioyed wythin any part of his do|minions. Neyther was Offa ſatiſfied herewith, but he alſo tooke into his handes the poſſeſſions of manye other Churches, and namely, hee fleeced the houſe of Malmeſburie of parte of hir reue|nues.Offa allyeth himſelfe with [...]ther Princes. Bycauſe of theſe and other his harde do|ings, doubting the malice of hys enimes, hee procured the friendſhip of forraine Princes. Vn|to Brightricke king of the Weſt Saxons hee gaue hys daughter Ethelburga in mariage. And ſending diuerſe Ambaſſadors ouer vnto Charles the great,Mat. VVeſt. that was both Emperour and king of Fraunce, at length he purchaſed his friendſhippe, although before there had depended a peece of diſ|pleaſure betwixt them,The enter|courſe of mar|chants ſtayed. inſomuch that the en|tercourſe for trade of Merchandize was ſtayed for a tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One of the Ambaſſadors that was ſent vnto the ſaid Charles (as is reported) was that famous clearke Albine,Alcuine an Engliſhmã. or Al [...]wine, by whoſe perſwaſion the ſame Charles [...] two Vniuerſities, as in place conuenient it may more largely appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally king Offa (as it were for a meane to appeaſe Gods wrath, whiche hee doubted to bee iuſtly conceyued towardes him for his ſinnes and wickedneſſe) graunted the tenth part of all hys goodes vnto Church men, and to poore people. He alſo endowed the Church of Hereforde with great reuenues,Polidor. and as ſome write, he builded the Ab|bay of Bathe, placing Monkes in the ſame, of the order of Saint Benet, as before hee had done at Saint Albons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer hee went vnto Rome, about the yeare of our Lorde .775. and there following the example of Inas King of the Weſt Saxons,775 he made his realme ſubiect by way of tribute vnto the Churche of Rome, appoynting that euerye houſe within the limits of his dominions ſhoulde yearely pay vnto the Apoſtolike Sea one pennie, which payment was after named Rome Scot,Peter p [...]nce, or Rome Scot. and Peter pens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After hys returne from Rome,VVil. Malm. 797 percey|uing himſelfe to drawe into yeares, hee cauſed his Sonne Egfride to bee ordeyned King in hys lyfe tyme: and ſhortly after departing oute of this Worlde, lefte the Kingdome vnto hym, after hee had gouerned it by the ſpace of .xxxix. yeares.Offa departed this life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other the doings of this Offa which ſurely were great and marueylous, this may not paſſe with ſilence, that he cauſed a mightie greate ditch to be caſt betwixte the Marches of hys Countrey, and the Welche confines, to deuide thereby the boundes of their dominions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Ditche was called Offeditch euer af|ter,Offditch. and ſtretched from the South ſide by Bry|ſtowe, vnder the Mountaynes of Wales, run|ning Northwarde ouer the Ryuers of Seuerne and Dee, vnto the verie mouth of Dee, where that Ryuer falleth into the Sea. Hee likewyſe buylded a Church in Warwikeſhire, whereof the towne there taketh name, and is called Offchurch euen to this day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Egfred taking vpon him the rule, beganne to follow the approued good doings of his father,Egfride king of Mercia. and firſt reſtored vnto the Churches theyr aun|cient priuiledges, which his father ſometime had taken from them. Great hope was conceyued of hys further good proceedings, but death cut off the ſame, taking him out of this lyfe, after he had raigned the ſpace of foure Monethes, not for his owne offences (as was thought) but rather for that hys Father hadde cauſed ſo muche bloud to bee ſpylte for the confyrming of hym in the Kingdome, which ſo ſmall a time he nowe enioyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Eadbert or Egbert king of Nor|thumberlande was become a Monke,Eadbert king of Northum|berlande. 758 Simon Dun. H. Hunt. his ſonne Oſoulphus ſucceeded him: but after he had raig|ned onely one yeare, he was traterouſly murthe|red by his owne feruants at Mikilwong [...]on, on the .ix. Kalends of Auguſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſucceeded one Molle, otherwiſe called Edilwold or Edilwald, but not immediately,Edilwold king of Northum|berland. Simon Dun. Henric. Hũt. for he began not his raigne till the Nones of Auguſt in the yeare following, which was after the byrth of our Sauior .759.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This man proued right valiaunt in gouern|ment of his ſubiects. He ſlue in battaile an Earle of his Countrey named Oſwin, the which artea|ring warre agaynſt him, fought with him in a pight fielde at Eadwines Cliue, and receyued the worthie rewarde of rebellion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 196This chaunced in the third yeare of his raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, that is to witte in the yeare of our Lorde .764.Simon Dun. 764 there fel ſuch a marueylous great ſnowe, and therewith ſo extreeme a froſt, as the like had not beene heard of, continuing from the begynning of the Winter, almoſt tyll the midſt of the Spring, with the rygour whereof, trees and fruites wythered away, and loſt theyr liuely ſhape and growth: and not onely feathered foules, but alſo beaſtes on the lande, and fiſhes in the Sea dyed in great numbers. The ſame yeare died Ceolwulf ſomtyme king of Northumberlande, vnto whome Beda dyd dedicate his booke of Hyſtories of the Engliſh Nation. After that hee was become a Monke in the Monaſterie of Lyndiſferne,Monkes licen|ced to drinke wine. the Monkes of that houſe had ly|cence to drincke Wine, or Ale, where as be|fore they myght not drinke any other thing than milke, or water, by the ancient rule preſcribed thẽ of Biſhop Aydan firſt founder of the place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare ſundrye Cities, Townes, and Monaſteryes were defaced and ſore wa|ſted with fyre chauncing on the ſodayne, as Stretehu, Giwento, Anwicke, London, Yorke, Doncaſter, and many other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Molle had raigned .vj. yeares, he re|ſigned his kingdome. But other write that hee raigned .xj. yeares,VVil. Malm. and was in the ende ſlaine by treaſon of his ſucceſſor Altred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Altred began his raigne in the yeare .765. as Simõ Dun. hath. Henric. Hũt. Mat. VVeſt. Ethelbert.This Altred raigned ten yeares ouer the Nor|thumbers, and was then expulſed out of his king|dome by his owne ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then was Ethelbert, named alſo Edelrede, the ſonne of the foreſayde Molle, made king of Northumberlande, and in the fifth yeare of hys raigne, he was dryuen oute of his kingdome by two Dukes of his Countrey, named Edelbalde, and Herebert, the whiche moouing warre againſt him, had ſlaine firſt Aldulfe the ſonne of Boſa the Generall of his armie at Kingeſclyffe, and after Kinewulfe, and Egga, other two of his Dukes, at Helatherne in a ſore foughten fielde, ſo that Ethelbert diſpayring of all recouerie, was con|ſtrayned to get him oute of the Countrey. And thus was the Kingdome of Northumberlande brought into a myſerable ſtate, by the ambi|tious working of the Princes and Nobles of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Ethelbert King of Eaſt Angles was dead,H. Hunt. Iohn Cap|graue. Mat. VVeſt. and others. Ethelbert king of Eaſt angles. his ſonne Ethelbert ſucceeded hym, a Prince of great towardneſſe, and ſo vertuouſly brought vp by his fathers circumſpect care and diligence, that hee vtterly abhorred vice, and de|lighted onely in vertue and commendable exer|ciſes, for the better atteyning to knowledge and vnderſtanding of good ſciences. There remayne manye ſundrye ſayings and doyngs of hym, manyfeſtly bearing wytneſſe that there coulde not be a man more honourable, thankefull, curte|ous or gentle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Amongſt other he had this ſaying oftentimes in his mouth, That the greater that men [...],The [...] king [...] the more humble they ought to beare themſelues: for the Lorde putteth prowde and mightie [...] from theyr ſeates, and exalteth the humble and meeke. Moreouer he did not ſhew himſelfe one|ly wiſe in wordes, but deſired alſo to excell in|ſtayedneſſe of maners, and continencie of life: Whereby hee wanne to hym the heartes of hys people, who perceyuing that hee was nothing delighted in the companie of women, [...] therefore mynded not maryage, they of a ſin|gular loue and fauour towards him, required that he ſhuld in any wiſe yet take a wife, that he might haue iſſue to ſucceed him. At length the ma [...]ter beeing referred to hys Counſayle, hee was perſwaded to followe theyr aduices. And ſo Alfred the daughter of Offa King of Mercia was fiaunced to hym: ſo that he hymſelfe ap|poynted (for meane to procure more fauor at hys father in lawes hands) to go to fetch the bride frõ hir fathers houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Manye ſtraunge things that happened to hym in taking vppon hym this iourney, putte hym in greate doubte of that whiche ſhoulde followe.Tokens of miſhap follow. Hee was no ſooner mounted on hys Horſe, but that (as ſeemed to hym) the earth ſhooke vnder him: Againe, as he was in his iour|ney, aboute the mydde tyme of the daye, ſuche a darke myſte compaſſed hym on eche ſide, that he coulde not ſee nor diſcerne for a certaine time a|ny thing aboute him at all: Laſtly, as hee lay [...] one night a ſleepe, hee thought hee ſawe in a dreame the roofe of his owne Palayce fall downe to the ground. But althoughe wyth theſe things hee was brought into greate feare,The [...] miſtruſted of no [...]. yet hee kept on his iourney, as hee that miſtruſted no deceyte, meaſuring other mens maners by his owne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Offa right honourably receyued hym: but his wyfe named Qu [...]dred, a wyſe wo|man, but therewyth wic [...]d, conceyued a ma|licious deuiſe in hir heart, and ſtreyght wayes goeth aboute to perſwade hir huſbande to putte it in execution, which was to murther king E|thelbert, and after to take into hys handes hys Kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Offa at the firſte was offended wyth hys wyfe for thys motion, but in the ende through the importunate requeſt of the woman, hee con|ſented to hir minde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The order of the murther was committed vnto one Wynnebert, Iohn Ca [...]. Wynnebert. that had ſerued both the ſayde Ethelbert and hys father before tyme, the whiche feyning as thoughe hee had beene ſent from Offa to will Ethelbert to come vnto EEBO page image 197 him in the night ſeaſon, [...]mon Dun. [...]th. 771. ſlue him that once miſ|truſted not any ſuch treaſon.

[figure appears here on page 197]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Offa hauing thus diſpatched Ethelbert, in|uaded his kingdome,Offa conque|reth Eaſt An|gles. and conquered it. But when the Bryde Alfreda vnderſtoode the death of hir liked Make and Bridegrome, ſhe abhorring the fact, did curſe father and mother, & as if were in|ſpired with the ſpirit of prophecie, ſhe pronounced that worthie puniſhment woulde ſhortly fall on hir wicked mother, for hir heynous crime cõmit|ted in perſwading ſo deteſtable a deede and ac|cording to hir wordes it came to paſſe, for hir mother dyed miſerably within three Monethes after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alfreda a Nunne. Beda. Mat. VVeſt. The Mayde Alfreda refuſing the worlde, pro|feſſed hirſelfe a Nunne at Crowlande, the which place beganne to waxe famous aboute the yeare of our Lorde .695. by the meanes of one Gut|lake a man eſteemed of great vertue and holy|neſſe, which choſe to himſelfe an habitation there, and departing this lyfe about the yeare of oure Lorde .714. was buried in that place, where af|terwardes an Abbay of Monkes was builded of Saint Benets order.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The bodie of king Ethelbert at length was buried at Hereford, though firſt it was committed to b [...]riall in a vile place, [...] to the banke of a riuer called Lugge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kingdome of Eaſt Angles from thence|forth was brought ſo into decay, that it remay|ned ſubiect one while vnto them of Mercia, an o|ther while vnto the weſt Saxons and ſomewhile vnto them of Kent, till that Edmonde ſurnamed the Martyr obteyned the gouernment thereof, (as after ſhall appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Selred king of Eaſt Saxons had gouerned the tearme of .xxxviij. yeares,H. Hunt. hee was ſlaine, but in what maner, wryters haue not expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After him ſucceeded one Swithed, or Swi|thred, the .xj. and laſt in number that particu|larly gouerned thoſe people. He was finally ex|pulſed by Egbert king of Weſt Saxons, the ſame yeare that the ſayde Egbert ouercame the Kentiſh men (as after ſhall be ſhewed) and ſo the kings of that kingdom of the Eaſt Saxons ceaſ|ſed and tooke ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time,Friſwide a virgine. there was a Mayde in Ox|forde named Friſwide, daughter to a certaine Duke or Noble man called Didanus, wyth whom one Algarus a Prince in thoſe parties fell in loue, and woulde haue rauiſhed hir, but God the reuenger of ſinnes was at hande as hir ſtorie ſayth. For when Algar followed the mayd that fled before him, ſhe getting into the towne, the gate was ſhutte agaynſt him, and his ſight alſo was ſodainly taken from him. But the Mayde by hir prayers pacifyed Gods wrath towardes him, ſo that his ſight was to him againe reſto|red. But whether this bee a fable or a true tale, hereof grewe the report that the kings of thys Realme long tymes after were afrayde to en|ter into the Citie of Oxforde. So eaſily is the minde of man turned to ſuperſtition, as ſayth Polidore.

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6.5. Osulph king of Northumberland trai|torouslie murthered, Edilwald succeedeth him, the reward of rebellion, a great mortali|tie of foules fishes and fruits, moonkes licenced to drinke wine, great wast by fire, Edelred king of Northumberland is driuen out of his countrie by two dukes of the same, Ethelbert king of the Eastangles commended for his vertues, Alfred the daughter of king Mercia is affianced to him, tokens of missehaps towards him, his destruction inten|ded by queene Quendred, hir platforme of the pactise to kill him, Offa inuadeth Ethelberts kingdome, Alfred his betrothed wife taketh his death greuouslie, and becommeth a nun, the decaie of the kingdome of Eastangles, succes|sion in the regiment of the Westsaxons, the end of the gouernement of the Eastsaxons, prince Algar is smitten blind for seeking to ra|uish virgine Friswide, and at hir praiers restored to his sight. The fift Chapter.

Osulph king of Northumberland trai|torouslie murthered, Edilwald succeedeth him, the reward of rebellion, a great mortali|tie of foules fishes and fruits, moonkes licenced to drinke wine, great wast by fire, Edelred king of Northumberland is driuen out of his countrie by two dukes of the same, Ethelbert king of the Eastangles commended for his vertues, Alfred the daughter of king Mercia is affianced to him, tokens of missehaps towards him, his destruction inten|ded by queene Quendred, hir platforme of the pactise to kill him, Offa inuadeth Ethelberts kingdome, Alfred his betrothed wife taketh his death greuouslie, and becommeth a nun, the decaie of the kingdome of Eastangles, succes|sion in the regiment of the Westsaxons, the end of the gouernement of the Eastsaxons, prince Algar is smitten blind for seeking to ra|uish virgine Friswide, and at hir praiers restored to his sight. The fift Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _WHen Eadbert or Egbert K.Eadbert of Northumberland was become a moonke,king of Nor|thumberland. 758 his sonne Osulphus succéeded him: but after he had reigned one|lie one yeare, he was traito|rouslie murthered by his owne seruants at Mikil|wongton,Simon Dun. Hen. Hunt. on the 9 kalends of August. Then suc|céeded one Moll, otherwise called Edilwold or E|dilwald,Edilw [...]ld king of Nor|thumberland Simon Dun. Henr. Hunt. but not immediatlie, for he began not his reigne till the nones of August in the yeare follow|ing, which was after the birth of our sauiour 759.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This man prooued right valiant in gouernement of his subiects. He slue in battell an earle of his countrie named Oswin, who arrearing warre a|gainst him, fought with him in a pitcht field at Ead|wines Cliue, and receiued the worthie reward of rebellion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 133 This chanced in the third yeare of his reigne, and shortlie after,Simon Dun. 764 that is to say, in the yeare of our Lord 764, there fell such a maruellous great snow, and therwith so extreame a frost, as the like had not béene heard of, continuing from the beginning of the wintes, almost till the middest of the spring, with the rigour whereof, trees and fruits withered awaie, and lost their liuelie shape and growth: and not onelie feathered foules, but also beasts on the land, & fishes in the sea died in great numbers. The same yeare died Cedlwulf then king of Northum|berland, vnto whome Beda did dedicate his booke of histories of the English nation. After that he was become a moonke in the monasterie of Lindesferne,Moonks li|cenced to drinke wine. the moonks of that house had licence to drinke wine, or ale, whereas before they might not drinke anie other thing than milke, or water, by the ancient rule prescribed them of the bishop of Aidan first founder of the place. The same yeare sundrie cities, townes, and monasteries were defaced and sore wasted with fier chancing on the sudden, as Stretehu, Giwento Anwicke, London, Yorke, Doncaster, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After that Moll had reigned 6 yeares, he resig|ned his kingdome. But other write that he reigned 11 yeares, Wil. Malm. Altred began his reigne in the yeare 765 a [...] Sim. Dun. saith. Hent. Hunt. Matt. West. Ethelbert. and was in the end slaine by treason of his successor Altred. This Altred reigned ten years ouer the Northumbers, and was then expelled out of his kingdome by his owne subiects. Then was Ethelbert, named also Edelred, the sonne of the foresaid Moll, made king of Northumberland, and in the fift yeare of his reigne, he was driuen out of his kingdome by two dukes of his countrie named Edelbald and Herebert, who mouing warre against him, had slaine first Aldulfe the sonne of Bosa the generall of his armie at Kingescliffe; and after Ki|newulfe and Egga, other two of his dukes, at He|latherne in a sore foughten field: so that Ethelbert despairing of all recouerie, was constrained to get him out of the countrie. And thus was the king|dome of Northumberland brought into a miserable state, by the ambitious working of the princes and nobles of the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After that Ethelbert king of Eastangles was dead, H. Hunt. Iohn Cap. graue. Matth. West. and others. Ethelbert king of East|angles. his sonne Ethelbert succéeded him, a prince of great towardnesse, and so vertuouslie brought vp by his fathers circumspect care and diligence, that he vtterlie abhorred vice, and delighted onelie in vertue and commendable exercises, for the better atteining to knowledge and vnderstanding of good sciences. There remaine manie sundrie saiengs & dooings of him, manifestlie bearing witnesse that there could not be a man more honorable, thanke|full,The saieng of king Ethel|bert. courteous or gentle. Amongest other he had this saieng oftentimes in his mouth, that the greater that men were, the more humble they ought to beare themselues: for the Lord putteth proud and migh|tie men from their seates, and exalteth the humble and méeke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer he did not onelie shew himselfe wise in words, but desired also to excell in staiednesse of ma|ners, and continencie of life. Whereby he wan to him the hearts of his people, who perceiuing that he was nothing delighted in the companie of women, and therefore minded not mariage, they of a singu|lar loue and fauour towards him, required that he should in anie wise yet take a wife, that he might haue issue to succéed him. At length the matter be|ing referred to his councell, he was persuaded to follow their aduises. And so Alfreda the daughter of Offa king of Mercia was affianced to him: so that he himselfe appointed (as meanes to procure more fauour at his father in lawes hands) to go fetch the bride from hir fathers house.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Manie strange things that happened to him in ta|king vpon him this iournie, put him in great doubt of that which should follow: He was no sooner moun|ted on his horsse,Tokens of mishap to fol|low. but that (as seemed to him) the earth shooke vnder him: againe, as he was in his iournie, abou [...] the mid-time of the day such a darke mist com|passed him on ech side, that he could not sée nordis|corne for a certeine time anie thing about him at all: lastlie, as he la [...] one night asléepe, he thought he saw in a dreame the roofe of his owne palace fall downe to the ground. But though with these things he was brought into great feare, yet he kept on his iournie,The innocent mistrustfull of no euill. as he that mistrusted no deceit, measuring other mens maners by his owne. King Offa right honourablie receiued him: but his wife named [...]uendred, a wise woman, but therewith wicked, conceiued a malicious deuise in hir hart, & streight|waies went about to persuade hir husband to put it in execution, which was to murther king Ethelbert, and after to take into his hands his kingdome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Offa at the first was offended with his wife for this motion, but in the end, through the importunate request of the woman, he consented to hir mind. The order of the murther was committed vnto one Iohn Capgr. Winnebert. Winnebert, that had serued both the said Ethelbert & his father before time, the which feining as though he had béene sent from Offa to will Ethelbert to come vnto him in the night season, slue him that once mistrusted not anie such treason. Sim. Dun. saith 771. Offa conque|reth Eastan|gles. Offa hauing thus dispatched Ethelbert, inuaded his kingdome, and conquered it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But when the bride Alfreda vnderstood the death of hir liked make and bridegroome, abhorring the fact, she curssed father and mother, and as it were in|spired with the spirit of prophesie, pronounced that woorthie punishment would shortlie fall on hir wic|ked mother for hir heinous crime committed in per|suading so detestable a déed: and according to hir woords it came to passe, for hir mother died misera|blie within three moneths after.Alfreda a nun Beda. Matth. West. The maid Alfreda refusing the world, professed hirselfe a nun at Crow|land, the which place began to wax famous about the yéere of our Lord 695, by the meanes of one Gut|lake, a man esteemed of great vertue and holinesse, which chose to himselfe an habitation there, and de|parting this life about the yéere of our Lord 714, was buried in that place, where afterwards an ab|beie of moonks was builded of saint Benets order. The bodie of K. Ethelbert at length was buried at Hereford, though first it was committed to buriall in a vile place, néere to the banke of a riuer called Lug.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The kingdome of Eastangles from thencefoorth was brought so into decaie, that it remained subiect one while vnto them of Mercia, an other while vnto the Westsaxons, and somewhile vnto them of Kent, till that Edmund surnamed the martyr got the gouernment thereof (as after shall appéere.) After that Selred king of the Eastsaxons had gouerned the tearme of 38 yéeres,H. Hunt. he was slaine, but in what maner, writers haue not expressed. After him succée|ded one Swithed or Swithred, the 11 and last in number that particularlie gouerned those people. He was finallie expelled by Egbert K. of Westsaxons, the same yéere that the said Egbert ouercame the Kentishmen (as after shall be shewed) and so the kings of that kingdome of the Eastsaxons ceassed adn tooke end.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶About this time,Friswide a virgine. there was a maid in Oxford named Friswide, daughter to a certeine duke of noble man called Didanus, with whome one Algar a prince in those parties fell in loue, and would haue rauished hir, but God the reuenger of sinnes was at hand (as the storie saith.) For when Algar followed the maid that fled before him, she getting into the EEBO page image 134 towne, the gate was shut against him, and his sight also was suddenlie taken from him. But the maid by hir praiers pacified Gods wrath towards him, so that his sight was againe restored to him. But [...]he|ther this be a fable or a true tale, héereof grew the re|port, that the kings of the realme long times after were afraid to enter into the citie of Oxford. So easi|lie is the mind of man turned to superstition (as saith Polydor.)