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5.29. Belinus and Brennus, the ſonnes of Mulmucius.

Belinus and Brennus, the ſonnes of Mulmucius.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 23] BRennus and Be|linus began to raigne ioyntly as Kings in Britaine,Belinus and Brennus. in ye yeere of the World .3574. after the buil|ding of ye Ci|tie of Rome. 355. and after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of captiuitie .142. which was about ye ſeuenth yere of Artaxerxes ſurnamed Mnenon,3574 the ſeuẽth K. of the Perſians. Belinus held vnder his gouer|nance Loegria, Wales, & Cornewale:M.W. and Brẽ|nus all thoſe countreys ouer and beyonde Hum|ber. And with this partition were they contented by the tearme of ſixe or ſeuen yeres,5. hath Policr. after whyche time expired, Brennus coueting to haue more than his portiõ came to, firſt thought to purchaſe himſelfe ayd in forreine parties,Brennus not content with his portion. and therefore by the prouocation & counſel of yong vnquiet heads, ſailed ouer into Norway, and there married the daughter of Elſung or Elſing,Elſingius. as then Duke or Ruler of that countrey. Beline offended with his brother, that he ſhoulde thus withoute his aduice marrie with a ſtranger, now in his abſence ſeaſed al his lands, townes and fortreſſes into his owne hands, placing garriſons of men of warre where he thought conuenient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, Brenne aduertized hereof, aſſembled a great nauie of Ships, well furniſhed with people and Souldiers of the Norwegians, with the whiche he tooke his courſe homewardes, but in the way he was encountred by Guilthda|cus king of Denmarke,Guilthdacus King of Den|marke. the whiche had layen lõg in awaite for him, bycauſe of ye yong Lady whi|che Bren had married, for whom he had bin a ſu|tor to hir father Elſing of long time. Whẽ theſe two fleetes of ye Danes & Norwegiãs met, there EEBO page image 24 was a ſore battell betwixte them, but finally, the Danes ouercame them of Norway, and tooke ye Ship wherein the new Bride was conueyed, and then was ſhe brought aboorde ye Ship of Guilth|dachus. Brenne eſcaped by flighte as well as hee might. But when Guilthdachus had thus obtai|ned the victory & pray, ſodaynly thervpon roſe a ſore tẽpeſt of winde & weather,A tempeſt. which eſcattered the Daniſhe fleete, and put the King in daunger to haue bin loſt: but finally within fiue dayes af|ter,Guithdachus [...]anded in the North. being driuen by force of winde, he landed in Northumberland, with a fewe ſuche Shippes as kept togither with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beline being then in that countrie, prouidyng for defence againſte his brother, vpon knowledge had of the King of Denmarkes arriuall, cauſed him to be ſtayed. Shortly after, Brenne hauyng recouered and gote togither the moſt parte of hys Shippes, that were diſperſed by the diſcomfiture, and thẽ newly rigged and furniſhed of al things neceſſary, ſente worde to his brother Beline, both to reſtore to him his wife wrongfully rauiſhed by Guithdacus, and alſo his lands iniuriouſly by him ſeaſed into his poſſeſſion. Theſe requeſtes be|ing playnely and ſhortly denyed, Brenne made no long delay, but ſpeedily made towards Alba|nia, and landing with his army in a part thereof, encountred with his brother Beline neere vnto a Wood named as then Calater,Calãder [...] is in Scotland where after cruell fight, and mortall battell betwixt them, at lẽgth [figure appears here on page 24] the victory abode with the Britons, and the diſ|comfiture light ſo on the Norwegians, that the moſt of them were ſlayne, and left dead vpon the groũd. Hereby Brenne being forced to flee, made ſhift, and gote ouer into Gallia, where after hee had ſued to this Prince and that, at lẽgth he was wel receiued of one Seguinus or Seginus Duke of the people called then Allobroges,Seguinus or Seginus Duke of the Allo|broges, nowe the Delphi|na [...]e or Sauoy. as Galfrid of Monmoth ſaith, or rather Armorica, whyche now 'is called Britaine, as Policronicon, and the Engliſhe hiſtorie printed by Caxton, more truely may ſeme to affirme. But Belyne hauing got the vpper hand of his enimies, aſſembling hys counſell at Caerbranke, now called Yorke, tooke aduice what he ſhould do with the King of Dẽ|marke: where it was ordeyned, that he ſhould bee ſet at libertie, with condition and vnder couenãt, to acknowledge himſelfe by doing homage, to holde his lande of the King of Britaine, and to pay him a yeerely tribute.The Danes tributarie to the Britons. Theſe couenauntes therefore beeing agreed vnto, and hoſtages taken for aſſurance, he was ſet at libertie, and ſo retur|ned into his countrey. The tribute that he coue|nãted to pay, was a thouſand pound, as ye Eng|liſh Chronicle ſaith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When Beline had thus expelled his brother, and was alone poſſeſſed of all the land of Brit|taine, he firſte confirmed the lawes made by hys father: and for ſo much as the foure wayes begun by his father were not brought to perfection,The foure high wayes finiſhed. hee therefore cauſed workmen to be called foorth and aſſembled, whom he ſet in hand to paue the ſayde wayes with ſtone, for the better paſſage and eaſe of all that ſhould trauell through the countreyes from place to place, as occaſiõ ſhuld require. The firſt of theſe foure wayes is named Foſſe,The Foſſe. & ſtret|cheth from the South into the North, beginning at ye corner of Totneſſe in Cornewaile, & ſo paſ|ſing forth by Deuonſhire, and Somerſetſhire, by Tutbery, on Cotteſwold, & then forwarde beſide Couentrie vnto Leiceſter, & from thence by wilde playnes toward Newarke,Watling Streete. & endeth at the Citie of Lincoln. The ſecond way was named Wat|ling ſtreete, the which ſtretcheth ouerthwart the Foſſe, out of the Southeaſt into the Northeaſt, beginning at Douer, and paſſing by the middle of Kent ouer Thames beſide London, by Weſt of Weſtminſter as ſome haue thought, & ſo forth EEBO page image 25 by S. Albanes, & by ye Weſt ſide of Dunſtable, Stratford, Touceſter, and Wedon by ſouth of Lilleborne, by Atherſton, Gilberts hill, that nowe is called the Wreken, and ſo forth by Seuerne, paſſing beſide Worceſter, vnto Stratton to the middle of Wales, and ſo vnto a place called Car|digan, at the Iriſh ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ing ſtreet.The thirde waye was named Erming|ſtreete, the which ſtretched out of the weſt north|weſt, vnto the eaſt ſoutheaſt, and begynneth at Monenia, the which is in Saint Dauids lande in weſt Wales, and ſo vnto Southampton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]nelſtreete.The fourth and laſt way hight Hikenelſtreete, which leadeth by Worceſter, Winchcomb, Bir|mingham, Lichfield, Darby, Cheſterfielde, and by Yorke, and ſo forth vnto Tinmouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]iuiledges [...]unted to [...] wayes.And after he had cauſed theſe wayes to be wel and ſufficiently reyſed and made, hee confirmed vnto them all ſuche priuileges as were graunted by his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane tyme that Beline was thus occupied about the neceſſarie affayres of his realm and kingdome, his brother Brenne that was fled into Gallia onely with .xij. perſons, bycauſe hee was a goodly Gentleman, and ſeemed to vnder|ſtande what apperteyned to honour, grew ſhortly into fauor with Seginus the Duke afore menti|oned, and declaring vnto him his aduerſitie, and the whole circumſtaunce of his miſhap, at length was ſo highly cheriſhed of the ſayde Seginus, de|liting in ſuch worthie qualities as he ſaw in him dayly appearing, [...]renne mary| [...]th the duke of [...]he Alobroges daughter. that he gaue to him his daugh|ter in maryage, with condition, that if he dyed without iſſue Male, then ſhoulde he inherite his eſtate and Dukedome: and if it happened him to leaue and heyre Male behinde him, then ſhoulde he yet helpe him to recouer his lande and domi|nion in Brytaine, bereft frõ him by his brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe conditions well and ſurely vppon the Dukes part by the aſſent of the Nobles of his lande concluded, ratified, and aſſured, the ſayde Duke within the ſpace of one yeare after dyed. And then after a certaine time it beeing knowne that the Duches was not with childe, all the Lords of that Countrey did homage vnto Bren, receyuing him as their Lorde and ſupreme go|uernour, vpon whome he likewiſe for his part in recompence of their curteſie, beſtowed a great por|tion of his treaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brenne with an armie retur|neth into Bry|taine.Shortly after alſo, with their aſſent he gathe|red an army, and with the ſame eftſoones came o|uer into Brytayne, to make new warre vpon his brother Belyne. Of whoſe landing when Be|line was informed, he aſſembled his people and made himſelfe readie to meete him,Brenne and Beline made friendes by in|terceſsion of their mother. but as they were at poynt to haue ioyned battell, by the in|terceſſiõ of their mother that came betwixt them, and demeaned hirſelfe in all motherly order, and moſte louing maner towardes them both, they fell to an agreement, and were made friendes or euer they parted aſunder.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this they repayred to London, and there taking aduice togyther with their Peeres and Counſellors, for the good order and quieting of the lande, at length they accorded to paſſe wyth both their armies into Gallia to ſubdue that whole Countrey, and ſo following this determi|nation, they tooke ſhipping and ſayled ouer into Gallia, where beginning the warre with fire and ſword, they wrought ſuch mayſteries,They inuade Gallia and Italie. that with|in a ſhort time (as ſayth Geffrey of Monmouth) they conquered a great part of Gallia, Italy, and Germanie, and brought it to their ſubiection. In the ende they tooke Rome by this occaſion (as wryters report, if theſe be the ſame that had the leading of thoſe Galli, which in this ſeaſon did ſo much hurt in Italy and other parts of the world.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had paſſed the mountaynes, & were entred into Tuſkaine,Now Chiuſt. they beſieged the Citie of Cluſium, the Citizens whereof beeing in greate daunger, ſent to Rome for ayde agaynſt theyr enimies. Wherevpon the Romaines conſidering with themſelues, that although they were not in any league of ſocietie with the Cluſians, yet if they were ouercome, the daũger of the next brunt were like to be theirs:Ambaſſadors. ſent from Rome. with all ſpeed they ſent am|baſſadours to intreate betwixte the parties for ſome peace to be had.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They that were ſent, required the Captaynes of the Gaulles in name of the Senate and Citi|zens of Rome,Brennus an|ſwere. not to moleſt the friendes of the Romaines: Wherevnto anſwere was made by Brennus, that for his part he could be content to haue peace, if it were ſo that the Cluſians would be agreeable that the Gaulles might haue part of theyr Countrey, which they held being more than they did alreadie well occupie, for otherwiſe (ſayd he) there could be no peace graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Romaine Ambaſſadors being offended with theſe wordes, demaunded what the Gaules had to do in Tuſkain.The treatie of peace brea|keth off. By reaſon of which and other the like ouerthwart wordes, the parties be|gan to kindle in diſpleaſure ſo farre, yt their cõmu|nication brake of, and ſo they from treating fell a|gaine to trie the matter by dynt of ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Romaine Ambaſſadors alſo to ſhewe of what prowes the Romaines were, contrarie to the law of Nations, yt forbiddeth ſuch as come in Ambaſſade about any treatie of peace, to take ei|ther one part or other, took weapon in hand & ioy|ned themſelues with the Cluſians, wherewith the Gaulles were ſo muche diſpleaſed, that inconti|nently with one voyce, they requyred to haue the ſiege rayſed from Cluſium, that they might go to Rome. But Brennus thought good firſt to ſend Meſſengers thither, to require the deliuerie of ſuch EEBO page image 42 as had broken the lawe, that puniſhment might be done on them accordingly as they had deſer|ued. This was done, and knowledge brought a|gaine, that the Ambaſſadors were not onely not puniſhed, but alſo choſen to be Tribunes for the next yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gaulles then became in ſuch a rage (by|cauſe they ſaw there was nothing to be looked for at the handes of the Romaines, but warre, [...]iu|rious wrongs, and deceytfull traynes) that they turned all their force agaynſt them,The Ga [...] make [...] Rome. marching ſtreight towards Rome, and by the way deſtroy|ing all that ſtoode before them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Romaines aduertiſed thereof, aſſembled themſelues togither to the number of .xl.M. and encountring with Beline and Brenne,The Rom [...] enco [...] with the [...] are ouer|throwne. neare to the riuer Allia, about .xj. miles on this ſide Rome, were ſlaine and quite diſcomfited.

[figure appears here on page 42]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Galles could vneth beleeue that they had got the victorie with ſo ſmall reſiſtance: but whẽ they perceyued that the Romaines were wholy ouerthrowne, and that the field was clerely rid of them, they got togither the ſpoyle, and made to|wards Rome it ſelfe, where ſuch feare and terror was ſtryken into the heartes of the people, that all men were in diſpayre to defende the Citie:The Romains in deſpayre withdraw into the Capitoll. and therefore the Senate with all the warrelike youth of the Citizens got them into the Capitoll, which they furniſhed with vitayles and all things ne|ceſſarie for the maintenance of the ſame agaynſt a long ſiege. The honourable fathers and all the multitude of other people not apt for warres, re|mayned ſtil in the Citie, as it were to periſh with their Countrey, if happe ſo befell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gaules enter into Rome.In the meane time came the Gaulles to the Citie, and entring by the gate Collina they paſſe forth the right way vnto the Market place, mar|ueyling to ſee the houſes of the poorer ſort to bee ſhut agaynſt them, and thoſe of the rycher to re|maine wide open, wherefore being doubtfull of ſome deceytfull traynes, they were not ouer raſhe to enter the ſame, but after they had eſpied the an|cient fathers ſit in theyr Chayres apparelled in theyr riche Robes, as if they had beene in the Se|nate,The reuerend aſpect of the Senators. they reuerenced them as Gods, ſo honorable was their port, graueneſſe in countnaunce, and ſhew of apparell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Marcus Papy|rius.In the meane time it chaunced, that Marcus Papyrius ſtroke one of the Gaulles on the heade with his ſtaffe, bycauſe he preſumed to ſtroke his bearde: with whiche iniurie the Gaulle beeing prouoked, ſlue Papyrius (as he ſate) with hys ſworde, and therewith the ſlaughter being begun with one, all the reſidue of thoſe auncient father|ly men as they ſat in theyr Chayres were ſlaine and cruelly murthered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this all the people founde in the Citie without reſpect or difference at al,Rome [...] were put to the ſworde, and the houſes ſacked. And thus was Rome taken by the two brethren, Beline, and Brenne . [...]65. yeares after the firſt building therof.365

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,The Capi [...]l defended. the Gaulles attempted in the night ſeaſon to haue entred the Capitoll: and in deede ordered their enterpriſe ſo ſecretely, that they had atchieued their purpoſe, if a ſort of Ganders had not with their crie and noyſe diſcloſed them, in wakening the Romaines that were aſleepe: and ſo by that meanes were the Gaulles beaten backe and repulſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Romaines beeing thus put to their ex|treeme ſhift, deuiſed among themſelues howe to reuoke Furius Camillus from exile, whome not long before they had vniuſtly baniſhed out of the Citie.Camillus [...]|uoked [...] exile. In the ende they did not onely ſende for him home, but alſo created him Dictator, com|mitting into his handes (ſo long as his office la|ſted) an abſolute power ouer all men, both of life and death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Camilius forgetful of the iniurie done to him, and mindful of his dutie towards his Countrey, EEBO page image 27 and lamenting the ſtate thereof, withoute delay gathereth ſuche an armie as the preſent time per|mitted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time thoſe that kept the Capi|toll (being almoſt famiſhed for lacke of vitayles) compounded with Brenne and Beline, that for the ſumme of a thouſand pounde weight in gold, [...]poſition. the Romaines ſhould redeeme theyr liberties: and the ſayd Brenne and Beline to depart with their armie out of the Citie and all the territories of Rome. But at the deliuerie of the money, and by a certaine kinde of happe, the Romaines name was preſerued at that time from ſuche diſhonour and ignominie as was like [...] [...] haue inſued. For ſome of the couetous ſort of the Gaulles, not cõ|tented with the iuſt weight of [...] golde, did caſt their ſwordes alſo into the Ballance where the weightes lay, thereby to haue ouer weight: wher|vpon the Romains refuſed to make payment af|ter that weight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus whileſt they were in altercation a|bout this matter, the one importunate to haue, the other not willing to graunt, the time paſſed, till in the meane ſeaſon Camillus commeth in amongeſt them with his power, [...]millus diſ| [...]ointeth [...] Gaulles of [...] payment. commaunding that the gold ſhould be had away, and affyrming that without conſent of the Dictator, no compo|ſition or agreement might bee concluded by the meaner Magiſtrate. He giueth a ſigne to the Gaulles to prepare themſelues to battaile, where|vnto they lightly agreed, and togither they went. The battaile being once begon, the Gaulles that looked earſt for golde, and not for battaile, were eaſily ouercome, ſuch as ſtoode to the brunt were ſlaine, [...]he Gaulles [...]erthrowne. and the reſt by flight conſtrayned to de|part the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polybius wryteth, that the Gaulles were fur|ned from the ſiege of the Citie, through warres which chaunced amongeſt their owne people at home, and therefore they concluded a peace wyth the Romaines, and leauing them in libertie re|turned home againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howſoeuer the matter paſſed, thus muche haue we ſlept from our purpoſe, to ſhewe ſome|what of that noble and moſt famous Captayne Brennus, the which as not onely our Hyſtories, but alſo as Giouan Villani the Florentine doth report, was a Brytain, and brother to Beline (as before is mentioned) although I know that ma|ny other writers are not of that mind, affyrming him to be a Gaul, and likewiſe that after this pre|ſent time of the taking of Rome by this Brennus 110. yeares, or there aboutes, there was another Brennus a Gaull alſo by Nation (ſay they) vn|der whoſe conduct an other armie of the Gaulles inuaded Grecia, whiche Brennus had a brother that hight Belgius, althoughe Humfrey Llhuyd, and ſir Iohn Price doe flatly denie the ſame, by reaſon of ſome diſcordance in writers, and name|ly in the computation of the yeares ſet downe by thẽ that haue recorded the doings of thoſe times, whereof the error is growen. Howbeit I doubt not but that the truth of this matter ſhall be more fully ſifted out in time by the learned and ſtudi|ous of ſuch antiquities.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to our purpoſe. This is alſo to bee noted, yt where our Hiſtories make mention, that Beline was abrode with Brennus in the moſte part of his victories, both in Gallia, Germany,Tit. Lin. Polidor. & Italy, Titus Liuius ſpeaketh but only of Bren|nus: wherevpon ſome write, that after the two brethren were by their mothers intreatance made friendes, Brennus onely went ouer into Gallia, and there through proufe of his worthie prowes, atteyned to ſuch eſtimation amongeſt the people called Galli Senones, that he was choſen to be their general Captaine at theyr going ouer the moun|taynes into Italie.Ma. VVest But whether Beline went ouer with his brother, and finally returned backe againe leauing Brennus behinde him, as ſome write, or that he went not at all, but remayned ſtill at home whileſt his brother was abrode, wee can affyrme no certaintie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The truth is, that the moſte part of all ours writers make report of many worthie deedes ac|compliſhed by Beline, in repayring of Cities de|cayed, and erecting of other newe buyldings, to the adorning and beautifying of his Realme and kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And amongeſt other workes which were by him erected, Paliche. Gal. M. Cairlleon r Wiske buylt by Belin. he buylded a Citie in the ſouth parte of Wales, neare to the place where the riuer Vſke falleth into Seuerne, faſt by Glaumorgan, which citie hight Cairlleon, or Cairllegion Ar Wiſke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Cairllegion was the principall Citie in tyme paſt of all Demetia, nowe called South|wales. Many notable monumentes are remay|ning there till this day, teſtifying the great mag|nificence and royall buyldings of that Citie in olde tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were in the ſame Citie alſo ſithe the time of Chriſt three Churches, one of Saint Iu|lius the Martyr, an other of Saint Aron, and the third was the mother Church of all Demetia, and the chiefe Sea: but after the ſame ſea was tranſlated vnto Meneuia, (that is to ſay) Saint Dauid in Weſtwales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Cairlleon was Amphibulus [...] that taught and inſtructed Saint Albon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this Beline buylded an hauen,Fabian. with a gate ouer the ſame, within the Citie of Troyno|uant, or London, in the ſummer whereof after|wards was ſet a veſſell of Braſſe, in the whiche were put the aſhes of his bodie, which bodie after his deceaſſe was burnt, as the maner of burying in thoſe dayes did require.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 21 Iohn Leyland.This gate was long after called Bellinus gate, and at length by corruption of language Bellings gate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He buylded alſo a Caſtell Eaſtwarde from this gate (as ſome haue written) whiche was long tyme after likewyſe called Bellyns Ca|ſtell,The tower of London built by Beline. and is the ſame whiche nowe wee call the Tower of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus Beline ſtudying dayly to beautifie this lande with goodly buyldings and famous works, at length departed this lyfe, after he had raig|ned with his brother and alone, the ſpace of .xxvj. yeare.

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3.2. The ioint-gouernment of Belinus and Brennus the two sonnes of Mulmucius, their discontentment, the stratagems of the one against the other, the expulsion of Brennus out of Britaine. The second Chapter.

The ioint-gouernment of Belinus and Brennus the two sonnes of Mulmucius, their discontentment, the stratagems of the one against the other, the expulsion of Brennus out of Britaine. The second Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _BRennus and Belinus began to reigne iointlie as kings in Britaine,Belinus and Brennus. in the yéere of the world 3574, af|ter the building of the citie of Rome 355, and after the de|liuerance of the Israelites out of captiuitie 142,3574 which was about the seuenth yéere of Artaxerxes surna|med Mnenon, the seuenth king of the Persians. Be|linus held vnder his gouernment Loegria,Matth. West. Wales, and Cornwall: and Brennus all those countries o|uer and beyond Humber. And with this partition were they contented by the tearme of six or seuen yéeres, Polyd. saith 5. Brennus not content with his portion. after which time expired, Brennus coueting to haue more than his portion came to, first thought to purchase himselfe aid in forreine parties, & there|fore by the prouocation and counsell of yong vnquiet heads, sailed ouer into Norway, and there married the daughter of Elsung or Elsing,Elsingius. as then duke or ruler of that countrie. Beline offended with his bro|ther, that he should thus without his aduice marrie with a stranger, now in his absence seized all his lands, townes, and fortresses into his owne hands, placing garisons of men of warre where he thought conuenient.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, Brenne aduertised hereof, as|sembled a great nauie of ships, well furnished with people and souldiers of the Norwegians, with the which he tooke his course homewards, but in the waie he was encountred by Guilthdacus king of Den|marke,Guilthdacus king of Den|marke. the which had laid long in wait for him, bi|cause of the yoong ladie which Brenne had maried, for whome he had béene a sutor to hir father Elsing of long time. When these two fléetes of the Danes and Norwegians met, there was a sore battell betwixt them, but finallie the Danes ouercame them of Norway, and tooke the ship wherein the new bride was conueied, and then was she brought aboord the ship of Guilthdacus. Brenne escaped by flight as well as he might. But when Guilthdacus had thus obtained the victorie and prey, suddenlie therevpon arose a sore tempest of wind and weather,A tempest. which scattered the Danish fleete, and put the king in dan|gers to haue béene lost [...] but finallie within fiue daies after, being driuen by force of wind, he landed in Northumberland, with a few such ships as kept togi|ther with him.Guilthdacus landed in the north.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beline being then in that countrie, prouiding for defense against his brother, vpon knowledge of the king of Denmarks arriuall, caused him to be staied. Shortlie after, Brenne hauing recouered and gotten togither the most part of his ships that were disper|sed by the discomfiture, and then newlie rigged and furnished of all things necessarie, sent word to his brother Beline, both to restore vnto him his wife wrongfullie rauished by Guilthdacus, and also his lands iniuriouslie by him seized and his possession. These requests being plainlie and shortlie denied, Brenne made no long delaie, but spéedilie made to|ward Albania, and landing with his armie in a part thereof, incountred with his brother Beline néere vnto a wood named as then Calater, where (after cru|ell fight,Calater wood is in Scotland. and mortall battell betwixt them) at length the victorie abode with the Britains, and the discomfi|ture did light so on the Norwegians, that the most of them were wounded, slaine, and left dead vpon the ground.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hereby Brenne being forced to flée, made shift, and got ouer into Gallia, where after he had sued to this prince, at length he abode, and was well receiued of one Seguinus or Seginus duke of the people called then Allobrogs (as Galfrid of Monmouth saith) or rather Armorica,Seguinus or Seginus duke of the Allobrogs, now the D [...]|phinat or Sauoy. which now is called Britaine, as Polychronicon, and the english historie printed by Caxton, more trulie maie seeme to affirme. But Be|line hauing got the vpper hand of his enimies, assem|bling his councell at Caerbranke, now called York, tooke aduise what he should doo with the king of Den|marke: where it was ordeined, that he should be set at libertie, with condition and vnder couenant, to ac|knowledge himselfe by dooing homage, to hold his land of the king of Britaine, and to paie him a yéere|lie tribute. These couenants being agréed vpon,The Danes tributarie to the Britains. and hostages taken for assurance, he was set at libertie, and so returned into his countrie. The tribute that he couenanted to paie, was a thousand pounds, as the English chronicle saith.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When Beline had thus expelled his brother, and was alone possessed of all the land of Britaine, he first confirmed the lawes made by his father: and for so much as the foure waies begun by his father were not brought to perfection,The foure high waies fi|nished. he therefore caused workmen to be called foorth and assembled, whom he set in hand to paue the said waies with stone, for the better passage and ease of all that should trauell through the countries from place to place, as occasi|on should require.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The first of these foure waies is named Fosse,The fosse. and stretcheth from the south into the north, beginning at the corner of Totnesse in Cornewall, and so passing foorth by Deuonshire, and Somersetshire, by Tuthe|rie, on Cotteswold, and then forward beside Couen|trie vnto Leicester, and from thence by wild plaines towards Newarke, and endeth at the citie of Lin|colne. The second waie was named Watling stréete, the which stretcheth ouerthwart the Fosse,Watling street out of the southeast into the northeast, beginning at Douer, and passing by the middle of Kent ouer Tha|mes beside London, by-west of Westminster, as some haue thought, and so foorth by S. Albons, and by the west side of Dunstable, Stratford, Toucester, and Wedon by-south of Lilleborne, by Atherston, Gilberts hill, that now is called the Wreken, and so foorth by Seuerne, passing beside Worcester, vnto Stratton to the middle of Wales, and so vnto a EEBO page image 17 place called Cardigan, at the Irish sea. The third way was named Ermingstréet,Ermingstréet which stretched out of the west northwest, vnto the east southeast, and be|ginneth at Meneuia, the which is in Saint Dauids land in west Wales, and so vnto Southampton. The fourth and last waie hight Hiknelstréete,Hiknelstréete. which lea|deth by Worcester, Winchcombe, Birmingham, Lichfield, Darbie, Chesterfield, and by Yorke, and so foorth vnto Tinmouth. After he had caused these waies to be well and sufficientlie raised and made,Priuileges granted to the waies. he confirmed vnto them all such priuileges as were granted by his father.