Compare 1577 edition: 1 All the compasse without the lists was set with scaffolds one aboue another,The maner of all things [...] redinesse for the combat. for people to stand and behold. There were behind the square where the iud|ges sat, two tents, the one for Nailer, the other for Thorne. Thorne was there in the morning timelie, Nailer about seauen of the clocke came thorough London, apparelled in a dublet, and gallie gascoine bréeches all of crimsin sattin, cut and rased, a hat of blacke veluet, with a red feather and band, before him drums and fifes plaieng. The gantlet cast downe by George Thorne was borne before the said Nailer vpon a swords point, and his baston (a staffe of an ell long made taper wise tipt with horne) with his shield of hard leather was borne after him, by As|kam a yeoman of the queenes gard. He came into the palace at Westminster, and staieng not long be|fore the hall doore, came backe into the Kings stréet, and so along thorough the Sanctuarie and Tuthill street into the field, where he staied till past nine of the clocke, and then sir Ierome Bowes brought him to his tent: Thorne being in the tent with sir Hen|rie Cheinie long before.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About ten of the clocke, the court of common plées remooued, & came to the place prepared. When the lord chiefe iustice,The lord chiefe iustice set and his associats with [...] with two other his associats were set, then Low was called solemnlie to come in, or else to lose his writ of right. Then after a certeine time, the suerties of Henrie Nailer were called to bring in the said Nailer, champion for Simon Low. And shortlie therevpon, sir Ierome Bowes, leading Nailer by the hand, entred with him the lists, brin|ging him downe that square by which he entred, be|ing on the left hand of the iudges, and so about till he came to the next square, iust against the iudges, and there making courtesie, first with one leg and then with the other, passed foorth till he came to the middle of the place, and then made the like obeisance, and so passing till they came to the barre, there he made the like courtesie, and his shield was held vp aloft ouer his head. Nailer put off his netherstocks, and so barefoot and barelegged,Nailer prepa| [...]eth himselfe [...] the incoun| [...] against Thorne. saue his silke scauilones to the ankles, and his dublet sleeues tied vp aboue the el|bow, and bareheaded, came in, as is aforesaid. Then were the suerties of George Thorne called to bring in the same Thorne: and immediatlie sir Henrie Cheineie entering at the vpper end on the right hand of the iudges, vsed the like order in comming about by his side, as Nailer had before on that other side: and so comming to the barre with like obeisance, held vp his shield. Proclamation was made that none should touch the barres, nor presume to come within the same, except such as were appointed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After all this solemne order was finished,The lord chéefe iustice toucheth the present case. the lord chiefe iustice rehearsing the maner of bringing the writ of right by Simon Low, of the answer made therevnto by Paramore, of the procéeding therein, and how Paramore had challenged to defend his right to the land by battell, by his champion Tho|mas Thorne, and of the accepting the triall that was by Low with his champion Henrie Nailer: & then for default of appearance in Low, he adiudged the land to Paramore, & dismissed the champion, acqui|ting the suerties of their bands. He also willed Hen|rie Nailer to render againe to George Thorne his gantlet. Whereto the said Nailer answered, that his lordship might command him anie thing, but wil|linglie he wold not render the said gantlet to Thorne except he could win it. And further he challenged the said Thorne to play with him halfe a score blowes,Nailer cha|lengeth Thorne at a few blowes. to shew some pastime to the lord chiefe iustice, & to the o|ther there assembled. But Thorne answered, that he came to fight, & would not plaie. Then the lord chiefe iustice commending Nailer for his valiant courage, cõmanded them both quietlie to depart the field, &c.