Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Scots that were within it, being in number an hundred thrée score and eight persons, were put out in their common wearing apparell, without armour, weapon, or anie baggage. They comming to the lord lieutenant that was then at the place of the batterie on horssebacke, presented themselues to him: who according to his word and promise of ho|nour, caused them to be safelie conducted through the watch and scouts, to such place as they requi|red.Two Eng|lishmen staied and after exe|cuted. Amongst them there were two Englishmen, the one of them named Hilliard, the earle of Nor|thumberlands man, the other was a vagarant per|son, or a roge (as we may call him) named Wil|liam God saue hir aliàs Lions, which both were caried to Barwike, & there executed the thirtéenth of Maie next insuing. In all this siege there were but foure persons slaine on both parts, two Scots, & two Eng|lishmen: but there were manie hurt as well on the one part as the other. The castell of Hume being thus woone, the lord lieutenant the morow after placed therein to kéepe the house to the quéenes maiesties vse,Capteine [...] and cap|teine Pik|man. capteine Wood, and capteine Pikman, with two hundred souldiours. This doone, his lordship returned towards England and came to Barwike. During this siege there were diuerse townes and villages, situate within thrée or foure miles of the campe, set on fire by the Englishmen, and vtterlie spoiled. The lord lieutenant vpon his returne to Barwike,The lord lieutenant [...] of an [...]. staied there for a time verie euill at ease, hauing in trauell about the siege taken such cold, as therewith he was brought into an extreame ague.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The fourth of Maie, his lordship sent maister William Drurie the marshall of Barwike, accom|panied with diuerse gentlemen and capteins, ha|uing with them about two thousand souldiours, to take Fast castell: the which vpon the first sum|mons was deliuered into his hands, who receiuing the keies being presented to him, entered the hold, and tooke possession thereof, in the queenes ma|iesties name: and expelling the Scots, being about the number of halfe a score (who according to coue|nant were suffered to depart with their liues saued) he put ten, Iohn Stow, Englishmen put into the castell to keepe it. or (as some haue) fouretéene Englishmen into that castell, which were thought able and num|ber sufficient enough to kéepe it against all the pow|er of Scotland, the situation thereof is so strong.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this meane time the troubles increasing a|mong the Scots, by reason of the murther commit|ted in the person of the earle of Murreie the late go|uernour, the duke of Chatellerault, and other his partakers gathered a power of thrée thousand men, and comming to Lithquo, midwaie betwixt Ster|ling and Edenburgh, remained there for a time, and afterwards came to Edenburgh, in purpose to make warre against the lords of the kings part,The earle of Chatellerault [...]s complices purpose war against the [...]ings part. who hauing sent to the earle of Lennox, then remain|ing in England, earnestlie requested him to repaire into Scotland. Wherevpon he by the queenes ma|iesties licence, tooke his iourneie thitherwards, and came to Barwike, where he was also visited with sickenesse, and so remained certeine daies in that towne. And vnderstanding that the said duke of Chatelleraults power was such, that the lords of the kings side were not able to come togither, nor he to go to them without the quéene of Englands aid, he humblie sued vnto hir maiestie by letters to haue some power by hir appointment to conduct him into Scotland, and there to aid him and the other lords of that side against their aduersaries the duke and his complices. Héerevpon by hir maiesties com|mandement, the earle of Sussex, as yet not fullie re|couered of his sicknesse,Master Wil|liam Drurie goeth with the earle of Lennox a|gainst the earle of Cha|tellerault, &c. ordeined master William Drurie the marshall of Barwike, with such forces as were thought conuenient to go with the said earle of Lennox, for the execution of such exploits in ser|uice as séemed most expedient. And about the same time, to wit the sixt of Maie, the lord Scroope lord warden of the west marches, made a rode into Scotland, incamping the first night on the hither side of the water of Annan, and the next daie marched towards the water of Milke, burning and spoiling all on that side of Annandale, namelie the lard Iohnsons lands, finding small resistance, sa|uing that the forreie was a little troubled with a fortie or fiftie Scots horssemen, and so hauing doone his pleasure, he quietlie returned, without recei|uing other impeachment: notwithstanding the lord Herries was in Dunsrise, hauing gathered a great power in purpose to hinder his enterprise.