Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The comming forward of these forces caused the rebels so much to quaile in courage, that they durst not abide to trie the matter with dint of sword.The rebels dare not stand to the triall of battell. For whereas the earle of Warwike, and the lord adme|rall, being aduanced forward to Darington, ment the next daie to haue sent Robert Glouer then Port|culeis, and now Summerset herald (who in his iour|neie attended on the lord admerall, as Norreie king of armes did vpon the earle of Warwike) vnto the rebels, vpon such message as for the time and state of things was thought conuenient: the same night aduertisements came from the earle of Sussex vnto the earle of Warwike, and to the lord admerall, that the two earles of Northumberland and Westmer|land were fled, as the truth was they were indéed, first from Durham, whither the said Glouer should haue béene sent vnto them:The earles of Northumber|land & West|merland flie into Scot|land. and now vpon the earle of Sussex his comming vnto Exham, they shranke quite awaie, and fled into Scotland, without bidding their companie farewell. The earle of Warwike and his power marched on to Durham. But the earle of Sussex pursuing those other rebels that had EEBO page image 1213 not meane to flée out of the realme, apprehended no small number of them at his pleasure, without find|ing anie resistance among them at all.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The fourth and fift of Ianuarie did suffer at Durham to the number of thrée score and six, cone|stables and others,Rebelles executed at Durham. amongst whome the alderman of the towne and a priest called parson Plomtrée were the most notable. Then sir george Bowes being made marshall, finding manie to be fautors in the foresaid rebellion, did sée them executed in diuerse places of the countrie.A prentise hanged in London for killing his maister. The one and twentith of Ia|nuarie a prentise of London was hanged on a gibet at the north end of Finch lane in London (to the ex|ample of others) for that he the thirteenth of Decem|ber had striken his maister with a knife whereof he died.
Rich. Grafton. Lord Leo|nard Dacres rebelleth.About the later end of Ianuarie, Leonard Da|cres of Harleseie began to rebell, and procured the people of the north parts to assist him: so that he rai|sed to the number of thrée thousand men. Of whose attempts when the lord Hunsdon lord warden of the east marches, and gouernor of Berwike heard, he prepared to go against him: and hauing with him sir Iohn Forster lord warden of the middle marches, they set forward towards the place where they thought they should find him. They had with them 300 chosen soldiors of the garrison of Berwike, and twelue hundred borderers, and other of the garrisons there about the borders: so that they were in all fif|téene hundred footmen and horssemen. They mar|ching therewith foorth approched néere to a towne and castell called Naworth,The lord Dacres rea|die with his power to set vpon the lord of Hunsdon. which was in the kéeping of the said Leonard Dacres. And vpon a moore, through the middle whereof a litle riuer called Chelt hath his course, the said Leonard Dacres the two and twen|tith of Februarie was readie with his power in or|der of battell, ranged & set in arraie after the forme of a triangle, compassed and inuironed about with horssemen. And now vpon the lord Hunsdons ap|proch, the said Dacres with great and stout courage gaue an hardie onset vpon the said lord Hunsdon and his companie, neere vnto the foresaid riuer.