Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer the eight and twentith daie of the fore|said moneth of March, the said William Holstocke seruing in the Anthelop (at that present admerall) and in his companie being William Winter the yonger (at that time his viceadmerall) seruing in the Aid, and Iohn Basing capteine of the Swallow, and Thomas Gouarlie capteine of the Phenix met in the narrow seas with fouretéene saile of great hulkes, which were come out of Portugall, and bound to Flanders: their chiefe lading being Portugall salt and yet had good store of Spanish roials of plate, and also of good spices. The which fourteene hulkes did mainteine their fight for the space of two houres. And after that they did perceiue that they could not preuaile,Six Spanish hulks laden with di|uerse things taken by the English. hauing tasted of the ordinance of the queens ships to their great hurt, as well in slaughter of their men, as also in spoile of their ships, the said Holstock and his companie tooke eight of the said hulks, wher|of six were sent into the riuer of Thames. And the admerall and viceadmerall in the said hulks being two great ships (which the said Holstocke himselfe did take) were caried vnto Harwich, and there dis|charged.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The eightéenth of March, through vehement rage and tempest of winds, manie vessels on the Thames with two tiltbotes before Grauesend, Iohn Stow. Great winds. were sunke and drowned. The six and twentith of Iune, deceased Thomas Yoong archbishop of Yorke,Archbishop of Yorke decesed. at the manour of Sheffield, and was honourablie buried at Yorke. The eleuenth of October were taken in Suffolke at Downam bridge,Monstrous fishes. neere vnto Ipswich seuentéene monstrous fishes, some of them conteining seuen and twentie foot in length, the other foure and twen|tie, or one and twentie foot at the least. At the costs and charges of the citizens of London, a new con|duit was built at Walbrooke corner neere to Dow|gate,New conduit at Walbrooke. which was finished in the moneth of October, the water whereof is conueied out of the Thames.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The seuen and twentith of Ianuarie, Philip Me|strell a Frenchman, Anno Reg. 11. 1569 and two Englishmen were drawne from Newgate to Tiburne, and there han|ged,A Frenchmã & two Eng|lishmen executed. Muster of pensioners. the Frenchman quartered, who had coined gold counterfeit; the Englishmen the one had clipped sil|uer, the other cast testons of tin. The eight and twen|tith of March, the pensioners well appointed in ar|mor on horsbacke, mustered before the queenes ma|iestie in Hide parke beside Westminster. A great lotterie being holden at London in Poules church yard at the west doore,A lotterie at London. was begun to be drawne the eleuenth of Ianuarie, and continued daie and night till the sixt of Maie, wherein the said drawing was fullie ended.Buriall for the dead pre|pared by sir Thomas Ro called ye New churchyard. Sir Thomas Ro lord maior of Lon|don, caused to be inclosed with a wall of bricke nigh one acre of ground, néere vnto Bedlem without Bishops gate, to be a place of buriall for the dead of such parishes in London as lacked conuenient ground within their said parishes.