¶And sith I haue waded thus far in portraieng the said cardinall, Ab. Fl. ex concione Cut. Tunstalli [...]oram Hen. 8. I am willing to make you commu|nicants of a report concerning him, vttered by Cut|bert Tunstall bishop of Duresine, in a sermon which he made vpon Palmesundaie, in the yeare of our Lord 1539, before king Henrie the eight, trea|ting vpon these words of saint Paule to the Philip|pians, Cap. 2. Hoc sentite in vobis, quod & in Christ [...] Iesu, &c: See the same mind be in you, that was in Iesu Christ, &c. The ground of whose sermon stan|ding vpon obedience and disobedience, after he had discoursed at large thervpon, he fell into these words in presence of the king, the nobles, and people.
And the bishop of Rome now of late, to set foorth his pestilent malice the more, hath allured to his pur|pose a subiect of this realme Reginald Poole, come of a noble bloud,Cardinall Poole an ar|rant traitor. and thereby the more arrant trai|tor, to go about from prince to prince, and from coun|trie to countrie, to stur them to warre against this realme, and to destroie the same, being his natiue countrie. Whose pestilent purpose albeit the princes that he breaketh it vnto, haue in much abhominati|on, both for that the bishop of Rome (who being a bi|shop should procure peace) is a sturrer of warre, and because this most arrant and vnkind traitor is his minister to so diuelish a purpose to destroie the coun|trie that he was borne in,Cardinall Poole a sedi|tious fellow and an impu|dent. which anie heathen man would abhorre to doo. But for all that without shame he still goeth on, exhorting therevnto all princes that will heare him; who doo abhorre to sée such vn|naturalnesse in anie man, as he shamelesse dooth set forward [...], whose pernicious treasons late secretlie wrought against this realme, haue béene, by the worke of almightie God so maruellouslie detected, and by his owne brother, without looking therefore so disclosed, and condigne punishment insued,Cardinall Pooles trea|sons detected by his owne brother. that hereafter (God willing) they shall not take anie more such root to the noisance of this realme.
And where all nations of gentiles by reason & law of nature preferre their countrie before their pa|rents, so that for their countrie they will die against their parents being traitors:Cardinall Poole no chri|stian, but worse than a pagan. this pestilent man worse than a pagan, is not ashamed to destroie if he could his natiue countrie. And whereas Curtius a heathen man was content for sauing of the citie of Rome where he was borne, to leape into a gaping of the earth, which by the illusions of the diuell it was answered should not be shut, but that it must first haue one; this pernicious man is content to run headlong into hell: so that he maie destroie thereby his natiue countrie of England, being in that be|halfe incomparablie worse than anie pagan. And EEBO page image 1165 besides his pestilent treason,Cardinall Pooles vn|kindnesse to king Henrie that brought him vp. his vnkindnesse against the kings maiestie, who brought him vp of a child, and promoted both him, and restored his bloud being attainted, to be of the péeres of this realme, and gaue him monie yéerelie out of his coffers, to find him honorablie at studie, maketh his treason much more detestable to all the world,Sée more thereof before pag. 1134. and him to be repu|ted more wild and cruell than anie tiger.