Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 They chieflie declared a spitefull rancor and hate|red conceiued against gentlemen, whome they mali|ciouslie accused of inordinat couetousnesse, pride, ra|pine, extortion, and oppression, practised against their tenants and other, for the which they accounted them worthie of all punishment.The begin|ning of the rebellion in Norffolke. Herevpon diuerse of them, namelie the inhabitants of Atilborough, and other of their neighbors, conceiuing no small dis|pleasure, for that one Gréene of Wilbie had taken in a parcell of the common pasture, as was supposed, belonging to the towne of Atilborough, and adioi|ning to the common pasture of Harsham, riotouslie assembled togither, and threw downe certeine new diches made by the said Gréene, to inclose in the said parcell of commons.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This was doone before Midsummer, and so it re|sted till the sixt of Iulie,A conference to further this rebellion in a méeting at a publike plaie at which time there should be a publike plaie kept at Wimondham, a towne di|stant from Norwich six miles, which plaie had béene accustomed yearelie to be kept in that towne, conti|nuing for the space of one night and one daie at the least. Wherevpon the wicked contriuers of this vn|happie rebellion, tooke occasion by the assembling of such numbers of people as resorted thither to see that plaie, to enter further into their wicked enterprise: and vpon conference had, they immediatlie assem|bled at Morleie a mile from Wimondham, & there they cast downe certeine diches of maister Hub|bords on the tuesdaie, and that night they repaired to Wimondham againe, where they practised the like feats. But as yet they tooke no mans goods by vio|lence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon one Iohn Flowerdew of Hetherset gentleman,Iohn Flow|erdew. finding himselfe grieued with the cast|ing downe of some diches, came vnto some of the rebels, and gaue to them fortie pence to cast downe the fenses of an inclosure belonging to Robert Ket,Robert Ket. aliàs Knight, a tanner of Wimondham (which pasture lieth néere to the faire Wounge at Wimondham aforsaid) which they did. And that night consulting to|gither, the next morning they tooke their iourneie to Hetherset, by the procurement of the said Robert Ket, in reuenge of the displeasure which he had con|ceiued against the said Flowerdew, and set them in hand to plucke vp and cast downe hedges and diches, wherewith certeine pasture grounds belonging to the said Flowerdew were inclosed.