Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then came the ambassadours of the French king and emperour, next to whome followed the lord pri|uie seale lord Cromwell, and the lord chancellour, then Garter king at armes, and the other officers and sargeants of armes gaue their attendance on each side the lord. The lord marquesse Dorset bare the sword of estate, and after him a good distance follow|ed the kings highnesse,The kings maiestie on horssebacke. mounted on a goodlie cour|ser. To speake of the rich and gorgeous apparell that was there to be séene that daie, I haue thought it not greatlie necessarie, sith each man may well thinke it was right sumptuous, and as the time then serued, verie faire and costlie, as they that are desi|rous to vnderstand the same may read in maister Halles chronicle more at large, which in this part I haue thought good to abridge.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Who followed the king.After the king followed the lord chamberleine, then came sir Anthonie Browne maister of his horsses, a goodlie gentleman, and of personage verie séemelie, richlie mounted, & leading the kings horsse of estate by a long reine of gold. Then followed his pages of honour riding on great coursers, and last|lie followed sir Anthonie Wingfield capteine of the gard, and then the gard well horssed, and in their rich cotes. In this order rode the king till he came to the last end of the ranke of the pensioners, & there e|uerie person that came with him placed himselfe on the one side or the other, the king standing in the middest.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When hir grace vnderstood that the king was come, she came foorth of hir tent, and at the doore ther|of, being set on a faire and beautifull horsse richlie trapped, she rode foorth towards the king, who percei|uing hir to approch, came forward somewhat beyond the crosse on Blackheath, and there staied till she came néerer, & then putting off his cap, he made for|ward to hir, and with most louing countenance and princelie behauiour saluted,The méeting of the king & the ladie Anne of Cleue on Blackeheath. welcomed, and imbra|ced hir, to the great reioising of the beholders: and she likewise not forgetting hir dutie, with most ami|able aspect and womanlie behauiour receiued him with manie apt words and thanks, as was most to purpose. Whilest they were thus talking togither, the fiftie pensioners with the gard departed to furnish the hall at Gréenewich. After the king had talked with hir a small while, he put hir on his right hand, and so with their footmen they rode togither, and with their companies being thus met, returned in this manner through the rankes of the knights and esquiers (which stood still all this while and remooued not.)