Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Christmas the king by his messengers and he|ralds sent downe into the north his generall par|dons to all the offendors;Generall par|dons. and shortlie after Aske that had beene the principall procurer,Aske rewar|ded. & as it were chiefe capteine of the northerne rebels, came to London, and now was both pardoned and receiued into fa|uor, receiuing of the kings bounteous liberalitie, apparell, and diuerse other rewards, whereof he was most vnwoorthie: for there liued not (as Hall saith) a verier wretch, as well in person as conditions and déeds, speciallie towards the kings maiestie, as after appeared. Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 1010. Sir Ra [...]fe E|uers his good seruice in the north. ¶ Sir Rafe Euers kept Scarbrow castell in the north, being six wéeks besieged by the rebels, twentie daies whereof he and all his companie (which were his onelie friends, seruants, and tenants, and serued for good will to him) were forced to susteine themselues with bread and water, and yet he kept the same to the end of that rebellion; and so deliue|red it to king Henrie, who sent him soone after to serue in the borders against Scotland, where in great credit he continued his seruice, kéeping the Scots without dooing hurt to England, and with such obedience of them, as within twentie miles of the borders of Scotland fore against him, there was not a Scot but at his commandement: and so conti|nued, till he was killed in the yeare 1545.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The twelfe of Nouember,Penance at Paules crosse. The earle of Kildare exe|cuted. sir Thomas Newman priest bare a faggot at Paules crosse, for singing masse with good ale. On the third of Februarie, Tho|mas Fitzgaret sonne and heire to the earle of Kil|dare was beheaded, and fiue of his vncles were drawne, hanged, and quartered at Tiborne for trea|son. In the same moneth Nicholas Musgraue,Tilbie. A new rebel|lion. Tho|mas Tilbie, with others, began a new rebellion at Kirkvie Stephan in Westmerland, who hauing got togither eight thousand men, besieged the citie of Carleill, from whence they were beaten with the on|lie power of the citie: and in returning from thense, the duke of Norffolke, who then was lieutenant of the north, incountered with them, tooke the capteins, and according to the law martiall areigned seuentie and foure of them, whome he hanged on Carbeill wals; but Musgraue escaped.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the same moneth of Februarie began a new commotion,Sir Francis Bigod procu|reth a new commotion. by the procurement of sir Francis Bi|god, who being intised to that mischieuous enterprise by certeine wicked persons, forgat his dutie to his prince, although he had béene a man (as Hall saith) that vndoubtedlie loued God, and reuerenced his prince with a right obedient and louing feare: but such are men when God leaueth them, and that they will take in hand things which Gods most holie word vtterlie forbiddeth. This last rebellion began in Setrington, Pikering, Leigh, and Scarbrow; but EEBO page image 944 it was quickelie suppressed, and the said sir Francis Bigod apprehended, and brought to the Tower. The said sir Francis & one Halam, hauing raised a great companie of rebels, meant to haue taken the towne of Hull,The purpose of the rebels. there to haue fortified themselues, and to haue assembled more power; but by the wisedome of sir Rafe Ellerkar, & the maior of the towne of Hull, the said Halam, & thréescore other of the rebels with|out anie slaughter were taken, which Halam was afterwards hanged in chaines, and two other with him, at the said towne of Hull. Sir Francis Bigod fled, & could not be heard of for a time, but at length he was also apprehended.