Immediatlie after his death the cardinals going the same night into the conclaue,Creation of pope Paule the third a Roman borne. elected in his place with full voice, Alexander of the familie of Farne|sa, a Roman by nation, and for his time the most an|cient cardinall of the court: in which election their voices seemed conformable to the iudgement and in|stance that Clement had made, the person elected be|ing most woorthie to be preferred before all the other EEBO page image 936 to so souereigne a degrée: for that he was both fu [...]ni|shed with doctrine and good learning, and fullie re|plenished with good apparanees and customes. And for the cardinals, they were so much [...]more for|ward to passe the election in his person, by how much for the greatnesse of his age, being alreadie vpon the thréescore and seuenth yeare, and supposed to beare a weake and vnsound complexion (which opinion he nourished with art) they hoped he would not [...]it long in the seat; whereby the dignitie of the place and pri|ma [...]e might fall to one of them, whose eies looked for the glorie which their hearts lusted, being vtterlie e|stranged from God and godlinesse, as altogither ad|dicted to the wanton desires of temporall delites, that they might passe their daies in delicacie; as one noteth trulie of all that viperous generation, Antith. Christi & papae. pag. 16. saieng:
Omnibus idem animus celsas mirarier arces,Idem animus fluxis est inhiare bonis,
De grege quid fiat nihili gens impia curans,
Spectat magnificas ambitiosa domos:
Elysios horum nullus contendit as agros,
Nil coeleste iuuat, terrea sola placent.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 About this season, the craftie practises of one E|lizabeth Barton,Elizabeth Barton. named the holie man of Kent, came to light and were discouered: so that she and hir adherents in Nouember folowing were brought to the Starchamber, & there before the kings coun|cell confessed their feined hypocrisie and dissembled holinesse, traitorous purposes and intents. The names of those hir adherents, which were presented with hir before the lords in the Starchamber were as followeth: Richard Master priest, parson of Al|dington in Kent: Edward Bocking doctor in diui|nitie, a moonke of Canturburie: Richard Dering, moonke also of Canturburie: Edward Twaites gentleman: Thomas Laurence register to the archdeacon of Canturburie: Henrie Gold parson of Aldermarie, bachellor of diuinitie: Hugh Rich frier obseruant: Richard Rifbie: and Thomas Gold gentleman. They were adiudged vpon their confes|sion aforesaid,Penance at Pauls crosse. to stand at Pauls crosse in the sermon time, where they with their owne hands should seue|rallie deliuer ech of them to the preacher that should be appointed, a bill, declaring their subtill, craftie, and superstitious dooings. Which thing they did the sundaie next following, standing vpon a stage at the crosse erected for that purpose. But for their trea|sons commited, the order was respited till the par|lement next following, in the which they were at|tainted, and suffered (as after ye shall heare.)
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, the Scots were not quiet, but still robbed the kings subiects both by sea and land:The Scots mooue warre. wherevpon the king caused them to be requited, not onelie by the borderers and other to them asso|ciate, which entring by the marches, burnt manie of their strong piles, but also he set foorth certeine ships which entered into their streames, and fetched out manie of those prises, which they had taken out of their hauens and créekes, mawger all their heads. Yet was there no warre proclaimed, but still com|missioners sat and communed of agréement, and amends to be made on either part. Now in the end when the Scots had much demanded, and little or nothing granted, they for that time being wearie of warre, desired peace, which was concluded to indure both the kings liues. And so the twentith daie of Maie in the yeare following, it was openlie procla|med, to the comfort of all them that delited in peace and godlie quietnesse.