Furthermore he had dailie familiar conuersati|on with him, he would oftentimes haue him to ac|companie him on hunting, to communicate in the o|pen aire and solace of the field, and was not curious to call gim to eat with him at his table. And by these humanities much lesse that he lost his prisoner, or ranged him to an accord lesse fauourable; but of the contrarie, by the operation of those graces and good offices, there grew betwéene them such a familiaritie and confidence, that the French king, after he had continued manie yeares in France, made a volun|tarie voiage into England, to honour and gratifie vnder that propertie of office, the liberalitie and frankenesse of the king. He alleged that as there was onelie remembrance of two kings of France that had beene taken prisoners in battell, king Iohn and himselfe, so the diuersitie of the examples was also worthie of singular memorie, séeing vpon the one was exercised all facilitie and mildnesse of the victor, and to the other were ministred all those ri|gours and seuerities, which tyrants in the height and pride of their fortune are woont to vse. Herevn|to he added manie circumstances discouering the discontentment of his mind, wherevpon insued prac|tises wherewith the emperour was not well pleased To EEBO page image 891
To be short, after that this peace was accorded, and the French king deliuered, the emperour maried the ladie Isabell daughter to Emanuell king of Portugall, and had with hir eleuen hundred thousand ducats. Thus farre the French affaires intermixed (as you heare) with our owne, and verie needfull to be added, which here we will end, and returne to England.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Cardinall Woolsie being still most highlie in the kings fauour, obteined licence to erect a college at Oxford, and another at Ipswich, the towne where he was borne, the which foundation he began rather of a vaine desire of glorie and worldlie praise, than vpon the instinction of true religion and aduancement of doctrine, and therefore sith he was not mooued therto in respect of true godliness and bountifull liberalitie, he went about to cloth Peter and rob Paule: for he first got licence of the king to suppresse certeine small monasteries, and after got a confirmation of the pope, that he might imploie the goods, lands, and reuenues belonging to those houses, to the maintenance of those his two colleges, whereby not onelie he, but also the pope were euill spoken of through the whole realme. In March the king sent Cuthbert Tunstall bishop of London, and sir Richard Wingfield chancellour of the duchie of Lancaster, & knight of the garter, into Spaine, to common with the emperour for great causes, concerning the taking of the French king, and for warres to be made into France on euerie side.