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It was left to the election of the ladie regent, ei|ther to deliuer the kings second sonne,What was left to the lad [...] regents elec|tion in this capitulation. or the twelue barons, and they to remaine as hostages vntill resti|tution were made of the lands and places aforesaid, and the peace sworne and ratified, togither with all the articles by the estates generall of France, and inregistred in all the courts of parlement of the kingdome with forme and solemnities necessarie. For the accomplishing wherof, there was set downe a terme of foure moneths: at which time returning the hostages, there should be put into the emperors hands the duke de Angolesme the kings third son, to the end to traine him vp with the emperour, the bet|ter to interteine and assure the peace. That the French king should renounce and giue vp to the em|perour all his rights to the realme of Naples, togi|ther with all such titles and preeminences as were to come to him by the inuestiture of the church. That he should doo the like touching his interest in the state of Millaine, of Genes, of As [...], and likewise of Ar|ras, Tourneie, of the Ile, and of Dowaie. That he should render vp the towne and castell of Hedin as a member of the countie of Artois, with all the muni|tions, artilleries, and mooueables that were in it when it was last taken. That he should disclaime and yeeld vp all souereigntie in Flanders and Ar|tois, and all other places or péeces which the empe|rour possessed.

That on the other side, the emperour should re|signe and giue vp to him all the right, title,Couenants concerning the emperour, and of him to be kept and performed. and quar|rell which he pretended to anie place possessed by the Frenchmen, and especiallie the townes and castell|domes of Perone, Montdidier, Roie, the counties of Bullongne, Guines, & Ponthiew, with other towns standing vpon the one and other shore of the riuer of Some. That there should be betwéene them a league and confederation perpetuall for the defense of their estates, with oblation to aid one another EEBO page image 889 when néed required, with 500 men at armes, and ten thousand footmen: that the emperour should promise to giue in marriage to the king the ladie E|lianor his sister, whom, as soone as the dispensati|on should be obteined from the pope, he should con|tract or handfast with words obligatorie for the pre|sent, and afterwards she should be led into France, to consummate the marriage at the same time that according to the capitulations the hostages were to be deliuered: that she should haue for hir portion two hundred thousand crowns, with iewels according to hir estate, the one moitie of the monie to be paid within sixtéene moneths, and the other halfe in one yeare after.

Furthermore, that a mariage should be made be|twéene the Dolphin & the daughter of the K. of Por|tugall, daughter to the ladie Elianor, at such time as their age will suffer: that the French king should doo all that he could to induce the ancient K. of Nauarre to giue vp to the emperour the rights of that king|dome,T [...]ese [...] restraine [...] part of the French [...] which in case he would not performe, then the king not to aid him with anie succours. That the duke of Guelders, and the countie of Zulffe, and the principall townes of those estates, should promise with sufficient securitie, to giue themselues to the emperour, after his death. That the king should giue no succour to the duke of Wittenberge, nor likewise to Robert de la March. That he should furnish and rigge for the emperour, both when he should passe into Italie, and two moneths after being so requi|red, twelue gallies, foure ships, & foure gallions, all well munitioned and appointed, except men of war, & the said vesselles to be rendred three moneths after accompting from the daie of his imbarking: that in place of the armie by land which the king offered for Italie, he should paie him two hundred thousand crownes in monie, the one halfe within sixtéene mo|neths, and the other halfe within a yéere after.

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