Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beside all this, the same duke the tenth of Maie, in the twelfe yeare of the kings reigne, at London in a place called the Rose, within the parish of saint Laurence Poultnie in Canwike street ward, de|manded of the said Charles Kneuet esquier, what was the talke amongest the Londoners concerning the kings iourneie beyond the seas. And the said Charles told him, that manie stood in doubt of that iourneie, least the Frenchmen meant some deceit to|wards the king. Whereto the duke answered, that it was to be feared, least it would come to passe,The duke [...] couereth the secrecie of all the matter [...] his owne vndoome accor|ding to the words of a certeine holie moonke. For there is (saith he) a Chartreux moonke, that diuerse times hath sent to me, willing me to send vnto him my chancellor: and I did send vnto him Iohn de la Court my chapleine, vnto whome he would not de|clare anie thing, till de la Court had sworne vnto him to kéepe all things secret, and to tell no creature liuing what hée should heare of him, except it were to me.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And then the said moonke told de la Court, that neither the king nor his heires should prosper, and that I should indeuour my selfe to purchase the good wils of the communaltie of England; for I the same duke and my bloud should prosper, and haue the rule of the realme of England. Then said Charles Kne|uet; The moonke maie be deceiued through the diuels illusion: and that it was euill to meddle with such matters. Well (said the duke) it cannot hurt me, and so (saith the indictment) the duke séemed to reioise in the moonks woords. And further, at the same time,But the end of that ioy was heaui|nesse. the duke told the said Charles, that if the king had misca|ried now in his last sicknesse, he would haue chopped off the heads of the cardinall, of sir Thomas Louell knight, and of others; and also said, that he had rather die for it, than to be vsed as he had beene.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreover, on the tenth daie of September, in the said eleuenth yere of this kings reigne, at Bleching|lie, in the countie of Surrie, walking in the gallerie there with George neuill knight, lord Aburgauen|nie, the duke murmuring against the kings coun|cellors, and there gouernment, said vnto the said George; that if the king died, he would haue the rule of the realme in spite of who so euer said the contra|rie; and withall said, that if the said lord Aburga|uennie would say, that the duke had spoken such words, he would fight with him, and lay his sword vpon his pate: & this he bound vp with manie great oths. These were the speciall articles & points com|prised in the indictment, and said to his charge: but how trulie, or in what sort prooued, I haue not fur|ther to say, either in accusing or excusing him, other than as I find in Hall and Polydor, whose words in effect, I haue thought to impart to the reader, and without anie parciall wrestling of the same either to or fro.