Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke at the same time gaue, and promised to giue yearelie vnto the said priorie, six pounds, there|with to buie a tun of wine. And further he promised to giue vnto the same priorie, in readie monie twen|tie pounds, whereof ten pounds he gaue in hand, to|wards the conueieng of water vnto the house by a conduit. And to the said monke Nicholas Hopkins he gaue at that present in reward three pounds, and at an other time fortie shillings, at an other time a marke, and at an other time six shillings eight pense. After this, the twentith daie of March, in the tenth yeare of the kings reigne, he came to the same prio|rie, & eftsoones had conference with the said monke, to be more fullie informed by him in the matters a|boue specified. At what time the monke also told him, that he should be king. The duke in talke told the monke, that he had doone verie well, to bind his chapleine Iohn de la Court, vnder the seale of con|fession, to kéepe secret such matter: for if the king should come to the knowledge thereof, it would be his destruction.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Likewise, the twentith daie of October, in the se|uenth yeare of the kings reigne, and at diuerse other times, as well before as after,Robert Gil|bert the dukes chapleine and chancellor his errand to London. the said duke had sent his chancellor Robert Gilbert chapleine, vn|to London, there to buie certeine cloathes of gold, siluer, and veluets, euerie time so much as amoun|ted to the woorth of thrée hundred pounds; to the in|tent the said duke might bestow the same, as well vpon knights, esquiers, gentlemen of the kings house, and yeomen of his gard, as vpon other the kings subiects, to win their fauours and freendships to assist him in his euill purpose. Which cloathes the said Gilbert did buie, and brought the same vnto the said duke, who the twentith daie of Ianuarie, in the said seuenth yeare, & diuerse other daies and yeares before and after, did distribute and giue the same vn|to certeine of the kings subiects for the purpose afore EEBO page image 864 recited, as by the indictment it was inferred.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Meanes that the duke vsed to make him|selfe strong a|gainst the king.Furthermore the said duke, the tenth of Iulie, in the tenth yeare of the kings reigne, and diuerse other daies and times, as well before as after, did consti|tute more seuerall and particular officers in his ca|stels, honours, lordships, and lands than he was accu|stomed to haue, to the end they might be assistant to him, vnder coulour of such offices, to bring his euill purpose to passe. Moreouer, the same duke sent vnto the king the tenth of Maie, in the ninth yeare of his reigne, for licence to reteine anie of the kings sub|iects, whome it should please him, dwelling within the shires of Hereford, Glocester, and Summerset|shire; and also, that he might at his pleasure conueie diuerse armors, and habillements for warre into Wales, to the intent to use the same against the king as the indictment imported, for the accomplishing of his naughtie purpose, which was to destroie the king and to vsurpe the roiall gouernement and power to himselfe.