Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the beginning of Aprill, Edw. Hall. the said earle passed ouer into Ireland, and had with him diuerse gentle|men that had béene in the garrison of Tornaie, and one hundred yeomen of the kings gard, and others, to the number of a thousand men,Good seruice doone by the earle of Sur|rie. where he by his manhood and policie brought the earle of Desmond and diuerse other rebels to good conformitie and or|der. He continued there two yeares, in which space he had manie bickerings and skirmishes with the wild Irish. There rested yet the earle of Northum|berland, whome the cardinall doubted also, Polydor. least he might hinder his purpose, when he should go about to wreake his malice against the duke of Bucking|ham: and therefore he picked a quarell to him,The earle of Northumber|land commit|ted to prison. for that he had seized vpon certeine wards which the car|dinall said apperteined of right to the king. And bi|cause the earle would not giue ouer his title, he was also committed to prison, & after tooke it for a great benefit at the cardinals hands, that he might be deli|uered out of his danger.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now in this meane while, the cardinall ceassed not to bring the duke out of the kings fauour, by EEBO page image 856 such forged tales, and contriued surmises, as he dai|lie put into the kings head: insomuch that (through the infelicitie of his fate) diuerse accidents fell out to the aduantage of the cardinall; which he not omit|ting, atchiued the thing whereat he so studiouslie (for the satisfieng of his canckered & malicious stomach) laid full aime. Now it chanced that the duke com|ming to London with his traine of men, to attend the king into France, went before into Kent vnto a manor place which he had there. And whilest he staid in that countrie till the king set forward, greeuous complaints were exhibited to him by his farmars and tenants against Charles Kneuet his surueiour, for such bribing as he had vsed there amongest them. Wherevpon the duke tooke such displeasure against him, that he depriued him of his office, not knowing how that in so dooing he procured his owne destruc|tion, as after appeared.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The kings maiestie perseuering in purpose to méet with Francis the French king, Anno Reg. 12. remooued with the quéene,The king set|teth forward towards France. and all his court, the one & twentith day of Maie being mondaie, from his manor of Gréen|wich towards the sea side: and so on the fridaie the fiue and twentith of Maie, he arriued at the citie of Canturburie, intending there to keepe his Whit|suntide. On the morrow after, the emperour being on the sea returning out of Spaine, arriued with all his nauie of ships roiall on the coast of Kent, direct to the port of Hieth the said daie by noone, where hée was saluted by the viceadmerall of England, sir William Fitz William, with six of the kings great ships well furnished, which laie for the safegard of passage betwixt Calis and Douer. Towards eue|ning the emperour departed from his ships, and en|tered into his bote, and comming towards land, was met and receiued of the lord cardinall of Yorke with such reuerence as to so noble a prince apperteined.