Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Ha [...]l. in H. 8. fol. lxviij, &c.
Charles the fift, king of Spaine cho|sen emperour.
After masse was doone, the quier sang Te Deum, and then all the lords departed to Bainards castell to dinner, and that night were solemne fires made thorough London, and great plentie of wine giuen by Italians, Dutchmen, and Spaniards for these newes. In this yeare the king with all the knights of his order being in England, rode on double horsses, with the henchmen following the king from Col|brooke to Windsore in gorgious apparell, and there he kept with great solemnitie the feast of saint George, and dined in the hall. The bishop of Winchester pre|lat of the order sat at the boords end alone. The king was solemnelie serued and the surnap cast like the feast of a coronation. All things were plentious to strangers that resorted thither. At the masse of Re|quiem were offered the banner & other habillements of honour belonging to Maximilian the emperour late deceassed.
After this feast ended, the king came to Rich|mond, and so to Gréenewich, and there laie all Maie. In which moneth the kings councell secretlie com|muned togither of the kings gentlenesse and libera|litie to all persons:The kings affablenesse & familiaritie with the infe|rior sort of people grud|ged at of the councell. by the which they perceiued that certeine yoong men in his priuie chamber, not regar|ding his estate or degree, were so familiar and home|lie with him, that they forgat themselues. Which things although the king of his gentle nature suffe|red, and not rebuked nor reprooued it: yet the kings councell thought it not méet to be suffered for the kings honour, and therefore they all togither came to the king, beseeching him to haue more regard to his roialtie.