On the fourth daie of October,A parlement wherein sir Thomas Ne|uill was pro|s [...]quutor or speaker. the king remooued to Lambeth, and on the morow began the high court of parlement, sir Thomas Neuill was then speaker. In this parlement were diuerse acts made, but in e|speciall two, which were much spoken of: the one was the act of apparell, and the other act for labou|rers: of these two acts was much communing, and much businesse arose. For the labourers would in no wise labour by the daie, but all by taske & in great, and therefore much trouble fell in the countrie, and in especiall in haruest time, for then husbandmen could skarse get workemen to helpe in their haruest. This parlement continued vntill Easter, in the which di|uerse subsidies were granted to the king, toward his great costs and charges that he had béene at in his viage roiall to France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After Easter the nineteenth daie of the moneth of Aprill, the king deliting to set foorth yoong gentle|men, called Nicholas Carew, and Francis Brian, and caused diuerse other yoong gentlemen to be on the counter part, and lent to them horsse and harnesse to incourage all youth to séeke déeds of armes. This yeare died at Rome by poison (as was reported) the archbishop of Yorke and cardinall,Doctor Ben|brike archbi|shop of Yorke and cardinall poisoned at Rome. called doctor Ben|brike, who was the kings ambassadour there: this was a wiseman and of a iollie courage. The king then gaue the said archbishoprike to Thomas Wol|sie, then bishop of Lincolne, who at that time bare all the rule about the king, and what he said was o|beied in all places. Now when he was once archbi|shop, he studied daie and night how to be a cardinall, and caused the king, and the French king to write to Rome for him, and at their requests he obteined his purpose, as you shall heare afterward.
At this time was much communing, and verelie (as it appeared) it was intended,The K. in per|son purposed to passe the seas to sée the French king his brother. that the king in person would passe the sea to Calis, and there on the marches of the same, the French king and quéene to come and sée the king their brother: and for the same iournie manie costlie works were wrought, much rich apparell prouided, and much preparation made against the next spring: but death which is the last end of all things let this iournie. For before the next spring the French king died at the citie of Paris, the first daie of Ianuarie, when he had béene married to the faire ladie Marie of England foure score and two daies [whom he so feruentlie loued, that he gaue himselfe ouer to behold too much hir excellent beautie bearing then but eighteene yeares of age, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag 684. nothing considering the proportion of his owne yeares, nor his decaied complexion; so that he fell into the rage of a feauer, which drawing to it a sudden flux, ouer|came in one instant the life, that nature gaue ouer EEBO page image 836 to preserue anie longer. He was a king iust & much beloued of his people, but touching his condition, nei|ther before he was king, nor after he had the crowne he neuer found constancie nor stabilitie in either for|tune.